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Author Marion Dampier Jeans about the strange world of physical phenomena during an Event in Sweden April 2011

By 19. Mai 2011Dezember 28th, 2022No Comments

This was originally a comment referring to Mr. Nielsens article below.

Marion Dampier Jeans is a well known author about spirituality in Europe today.
Especially, as a born danish, she is reviving the old knowledge regarding mediumship, shamanism and trance in the nordic countries of Europe, like Norway, Sweden, Iceland and
Please consider her strange observations directly at the cabinet during the FEG spirit team seance with K.M. and about the kicking spirit performances of the Bill Meadows Circle:
It was indeed a great experiment over that weekend with physical mediumship  in Sweden  , and a experience for my two physical circles from Denmark and my Norwegen circle also,   and  my Lawyer Jesper N Nielsen  who have studied spiritualism for years .
It was days with great teaching , and as always there was surprises  in both  Kai Mueggy and the Meadows demonstrations, the Meadows circle this time showed good phenomena with in  there  last demonstration as a end finale to the weekend .  One of there phenomena ,There  produces a face on the illuminated plage  outside the cabinet about half a meter from the cabinet it hang suspended  , a small spirit facet  of a man who talked to me , I manage to mesur the face with my fingers , and it was a small as a 7 years old boy.
There was surprises with Kai with his demonstration  , as I sat and helped to control the light and cabinet, being so near seeing the ectoplasma , and a hand materialise from the ground and upward  was extremely rewording , The hand with a arm  the arm from  the elbow raised from the floor,.. the shape  of the hand and arm was distorted  as it moved it had a life on its own , from where I  was sitting next to the cabinet I could see the  hand and arm  clearly,  there was no human hand involved for the movement was bending in a strange way   , the distorted hand could not be reconstructed, in any form or way .
another phenomena was the wind there came across me  , from my feet and the wind  raised  to the hight over the people head, as it rose  it blew across people , it  suddenly shifted direction , in mid air , this happen 3 times, there was no wind machine nu sound, .The fact that the wind suddenly change direction , only to drub on the flore , and after some 6 to 9 second, the same coldness appeared again and the wind came in …but this time it went in  to another direction from the other side  , it  suddenly shifting direction only to again fall on to the flor . 
The room was examined by Jesper N Nielsen , only the way a magician could do , Jesper also examined the meadows circle in both demonstrations there was no chair, curtain, electric appertains  or blind there was un touch…it was examined from a point of a magician who would know if something was hidden..
It is a great thank you to Kai, Julie and the Meadow circles, for yet again a  wonderful demonstration
Kind thoughts marion