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One of the exceptional 400+ Photographs Shannon did when visiting Kai Muegge Séances at the legendary BASLE PSI ASSOCIATION, where modern Materialization Mediumship is at home…

She did it again. Well known movement-artist and professional photographer Shannon Taggart again shot intriguing photographs about the Mediumship when visiting us over three days in Switzerland. She is breathlessly at the pulse of international Physical Mediumship, a friend and a well received guest. Stay tuned for the report coming up with her new and amazing photo- and video-content (from speed photography) she has created during her stay.

a reminiscense to their both documentarian work over the centuries
within the Spiritualistic Movement, Henry Steel Olcott – who for example
1874 documented the famous Eddy-case for the New York Daily Graphic –

Read the full story about Shannon Taggarts stay, the photos, her mission, the Materialization of Henry Steel Olcott and Shannons amazing upcoming book soon, here on THIRD MILLENIUM MEDIUMSHIP.

Another photograph Shannon took showing the medium with materialized objects in both eyes. Specifically one eye is massively filled up with small objects, gemstones that usually appear from the tear-duct