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Featured Image: Result from the instructions from the (E.T.) spirits ‚for the creation of the ‘coded 3-dimensional object-magical active body’, the highest degree of activation is achieved when the ‘materialized magical objects’ (permanent paranormal objects) are placed in a meaningful arrangement by human hands in the 3-dimensional reality. This magical act was carried out for us by the long-standing organiser, initiator and experimental researcher, M. Kappeler, who thus created an occult-magically effective work of art – in accordance with the instructions! Briefly explained, it shows the metaphysical human being as Buddha-Consciousness and in the symbolism of an Indian piece of jewellery, which points to the ceremonial origin, how he looks at the cosmos and the world and the metaphysical realms beyond.

Some time ago – in one of our special séances – the Zeta ambassador ‘A’i’wass’, representing the entity ‘Ptah’, performed the typical steps of ‘Spiritual Activation’ with the guests. A fully materialised alien arm was visible and involved, which – according to statements – ‘full of vitality’ extended its slender three-fingered hand to those seated and thus handed over activation objects. These were gratefully received by their recipients!
When I heard about this I started listening to the recordings again, orientating myself along the waveforms and moving from the audio of the E.T. Spirits‘ transmissions into direct channel sessions with the E.T. communicators. The following are results from these trance communications!
They are challenging and go into depth! In order to make the exciting and also urgent content a little more accessible, we present it appropriately in individual chapters. The core statements can thus be given appropriate space and attention. The central statements of the individual chapters are also summarised as excerpt at the beginning of the presented chapter. After the last individual chapter, we present the complete message once again in its entirety.
Although certain chapters and E.T. commentaries – analysing contemporary man and taking stock of Western societies – may sound rather pessimistic, solutions are presented at the end …

Summary/excerpt of the contents of Part 2 of the Eivass message:

Spiritual dimensions – consciousness as a web: consciousness is not an isolated point, but a web that connects all existences, even into parallel dimensions.
Multidimensionality of the soul: Every human action generates parallel-dimensional entities that reflect light or darkness and thus influences society and spiritual development.

‚Edur Vise EIVASS.
I am called A’i’was. Under my leadership, the ED:0-1 Generation, 5th Fleet, pacified the Evexal Emitter uprisings on LeR407 and Bor:El, allowing me to begin my honourable service within the Pi’tach Dynasty, as personal aide to the creative Entitarian P’tah. The Entity, in her immeasurable wisdom and boundless knowledge, very long ago joined an intricately designed initiative that interacted as a ‘stream of consciousness’ and of which she is still a part today. 1.5 decades ago in Earth years, the stream expanded to include a terrestrial component. As a Spiritual Operator, the Entity is allowed to change timelines and fulfil the Guardian role in the infinite expanse of the Universe’s streams of consciousness. I have the immeasurable honour of speaking on their behalf.‘


‚Consciousness‘ is not just a speck of light in the darkness, but a whole mesh of light

    • ‚Consciousness‘ is not just a speck of light in the darkness, but a whole mesh of light
      that runs through the entire spatial universe. The mesh interconnects Terrans with everything that exists. And at certain transcendental transition points, it merges into parallel-dimensional progressions! These are also accessible to humanoid Terrans – but the requirements are non-everyday altered states of consciousness (dreams, hypnosis, trance, astral planes).
      Additionally there are existent active, but inaccessible, areas of interconnected perception into which humans are linked, although they do not play an active role. Certain monitoring programs for example exist in this manner: active fields of consciousness operating into the human space that access people even without their knowledge. From human perspective E.T./I.D. interactivity and own awareness is limited and bound to the dualistic principles, but not vice versa.

The soul is multidimensional and splits off parallel-dimensional presences or entities from every thought and deed

  • ‚The essence of the human soul is multidimensional and splits off parallel-dimensional presences or entities, ’subtle‘ entities, from every thought and deed. Every action – whether thought or realized, dreamed or merely planned – expands and transcends the above-mentioned web of consciousness – also on parallel levels. The duration, complexity and resilience of the consciousness related content determines different degrees and qualities of parallel-dimensional equivalents – between short-lived informational structures on the one hand and leviathanic monsters rising from the primeval depths of space-time on the other. Ghosts from the past and from the future.
    In everyday life, the principle realizes itself as ‚attachment‘ and somewhat more complex as possible ‚implants‘, right up to the disturbing images of harassing spirits, effigies, essential images of interconnected areas of the soul or one’s own self – for good or for evil. Unresolved toxicity, destructive disharmony, social imbalances – they are all liable to split off such parallel-dimensional mirror images and entities, which – always characterized by either light or darkness – can even pose as supposed – good or evil – extraterrestrials on earth or elsewhere.

The ‘Entitarian Ptah’, fully materialized in 2019 through a Zeta fine-matter technology, with a distinctly non-human appearance. Under his/her Guardian/doorkeeper-supervision, Zeta Ambassadors, like A:i:wass, will perform DNA Nucleus activations in the near future.