Featured photo: Shortly after the channeled messages, in an inner-circle séance with just under 20 participants, there was a clearly visible full materialisation of the messenger personality, who wanted to underline the weight of his messages once again in this way. The photograph above shows the E.T. spirit being at an early stage, emerging from ectoplasmic formative mass to form its very clear characteristics shortly afterwards.
Some time ago – in one of our special séances – the Zeta ambassador ‘A’i’wass’, representing the entity ‘Ptah’, performed the typical steps of ‘Spiritual Activation’ with the guests. A fully materialised alien arm was visible and involved, which – according to statements – ‘full of vitality’ extended its slender three-fingered hand to those seated and thus handed over activation objects. These were gratefully received by their recipients!
When I heard about this I started listening to the recordings again, orientating myself along the waveforms and moving from the audio of the E.T. Spirits‘ transmissions into direct channel sessions with the E.T. communicators. The following are results from these trance communications!
They are challenging and go into depth! In order to make the exciting and also urgent content a little more accessible, we present it appropriately in individual chapters. The core statements can thus be given appropriate space and attention. The central statements of the individual chapters are also summarised as excerpt at the beginning of the presented chapter. After the last individual chapter, we present the complete message once again in its entirety.
Although certain chapters and E.T. commentaries – analysing contemporary man and taking stock of Western societies – may sound rather pessimistic, solutions are presented at the end …
Summary/excerpt of the contents of Part 3 of the Eivass message:
Social impact – Negative cycles: Spiritual deficits are reflected in social and political transformations, e.g. ignorance, tolerance of injustice and warfare. Collective responsibility: Societies that tacitly support crime will create ‘demonic’ (negative entity generating) karma and poison spiritual connections. Spiritual stagnation: Mass anonymity and individual loneliness lead to the atrophy of human high faculties.
‚Edur Vise EIVASS.
I am called A’i’was. Under my leadership, the ED:0-1 Generation, 5th Fleet, pacified the Evexal Emitter uprisings on LeR407 and Bor:El, allowing me to begin my honourable service within the Pi’tach Dynasty, as personal aide to the creative Entitarian P’tah. The Entity, in her immeasurable wisdom and boundless knowledge, very long ago joined an intricately designed initiative that interacted as a ‘stream of consciousness’ and of which she is still a part today. 1.5 decades ago in Earth years, the stream expanded to include a terrestrial component. As a Spiritual Operator, the Entity is allowed to change timelines and fulfil the Guardian role in the infinite expanse of the Universe’s streams of consciousness. I have the immeasurable honour of speaking on their behalf.‘

‚Spirituality is always reflected in societal or socio-political transformations as a matter of course’
- ‘Spirituality is always naturally reflected in social or socio-political transformations and here, too, cycles of feeding negative or positive correlations arise. This also applies to anti-actions such as ignorance, tacit acquiescence and failure to render assistance. And all these also project their informational images into the interconnected universe!‘
- ‚The muted or silenced voices of your former multiple opinion-societies mirror additionally into this, the tacit acceptance and subsequent relativisation! Historical responsibilities, social consensus on arms deliveries and exorbitant monetary profits for national industries in war zones are social images coming from and turning into images in the soul – turning back into retro-active reality! Verbally unleashed war rhetoric, moral backing by the elected political classes enabling never-ending acts of warfare and even genocide in violation of international law, including indirect participation are dramatic anti-spiritual forms of expression and amplifiers of the very close and already perceptible presence of dark energies in everyday life. And they are spreading under these conditions!
‚A major attack on human nature!‘
- ‚Among the many countries, there are those whose spirituality is particularly at risk: where dishonesty and the inability to name or see through the obvious prevail, where propaganda glorifies life in the ideological bubble day in, day out. The impact on the mental and spiritual self-image of the societies involved is devastating. Being collectively responsible as people for the crimes of elected governments ultimately pushes societies into the consequence of spiritual deficiency, which already has become manifest at many places…’
- The scale of the attacks targeting the holistic entity ‘human being’ and its existential infrastructures on earth allow conclusions to be drawn about the scale of the forces behind these attacks. Forces about which – deep within the human psyche – there are indeed ancient encrypted concepts in apocryphic texts forseeing: Malevolent supernatural omnipotences coming from outside that threaten ‘being human’ and its universal values.
- Darkness casts its shadow ahead. This large-scale campaign has been in preparation for decades at least, partly hidden and – time and again – seemingly of its own accord, out of the midst of human affairs. Manipulations on a global scale exerted over long periods of time, which, due to their perfidious nature, entail the inability of the affected societies to fathom or even recognise the mechanisms of these attacks. It is the perfidious nature of a radical entity, the dark power that hides behind it and is responsible for it.
- It is the increasingly widespread feeling of ‘powerlessness and helplessness’, which is based on a concerted, systemically driven withdrawal of the ability to exert influence on the existing conditions, which affects and ultimately limits the free thought and speech. On the local level, the experience is complemented by the confrontation with paradoxical behaviour of authorities and unlawful decisions of local executives, which only reinforce the disorientation of the individual and leave a mental imbalance that robs it of its sovereignty as central foundation of identity and personality-growth.
‘The darkness is so present that crimes can be publicly glorified and carried out’
- ‚Even more clearly the course of spiritual misdevelopment is depicted painfully from the entanglement resulting from the military support of other countries, whose operational deployments are responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of children, as an actual example. To see spiritual mirror-potentials having a retroactive effect on those who (co-)caused the troubling conditions – according to the motto, you reap what you sow – would then result in feeding the complete informational spiritual mirror-potential of dying, shredded and massacred children into the heads and hearts of every individual member of the concerned societies that support political decisions leading to the above. If such potentials were actually transmitted unfiltered and directly, it would drive large parts of the (co-)responsible societies population into immediate insanity!
At the very moment such above mentioned potentials have been unleashed and are now flowing into your national identities as gruesome identitary components. The spiritual havoc is wreaked. Citizens who know, but remain silent have knowingly and obviously disconnected themselves once and for all from the spirituality of values and the divine light that everyone once carried within them. Today, however, the darkness is so present that crimes like the above can be publicly glorified and carried out. - ‚Societies that support this, that have lost their moral compass – on this occasion or earlier – produce ‘demonic’-negative (negative spirit entities creating-) karma with such actions, which seeps into the breeding ground of your identity and history and draws you deeper and deeper into inhuman traditions and patterns of behaviour. This pollutes the Spiritual Interweavings that connect you to everything, including our extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional presence! Meanwhile your humanoid species spiritual health and ultimately the future of humanity itself is at stake!‘

The ‘Entitarian Ptah’, fully materialized in 2019 through a spiritual Zeta fine-matter technology, showing his distinctly non-human appearance. Under his/her Guardian/doorkeeper-supervision, Zeta Ambassadors, like A:i:wass, will perform DNA Nucleus activations in the near future.