Featured image: Eivass looks into his hand – or just at the fantastic blue lightning-generating device in it. The object is sometimes described as a sphere, sometimes as a rod, and in this picture the light source even appears to be divided into three parts. In any case, it seems to be part of the subtle consciousness technology that the E.T. / I.D. communicators describe and which they interweave with human consciousness and its perception …
A ZETA Ambassador
After his lengthy message of the last weeks to the world – its first chapter is published HERE – the ZETA-Ambassador of the P’TAH-Dynasty manifested in front of 20 guests materializing into full spirit form. Having this time the allowance to take photos we were lucky enough to have Prof. Eckhard and Dr. Heike Bauder present, who shot the iconic photographies with a specifically modified camera.

Iconic photography: Please set video to highest resolution
Professor Eckhard photographed with
a modified Canon EOS 600D,
converted to a full spectrum camera:
Infrared cut filter removed,
Aperture 3.5. Exposure time (mostly) 2 seconds,
Focal length 18 mm (no full-frame chip,
equivalent ~ 28mm)
Appearing in human form
The entity, who claimed being called Eivass and capable – like P’tah – to appear in human form, became visible at first in the small entrance section between two heavy doors of the bombshell cellar entrance. From there he moved to the midst of the séance-room self-illuminating with blue light bolts coming from a device in his hands, creating a very good visibility.
Morphing stages
Before diappearing again, we may see on the photos, how he ran through different morphing stages of his features, sometimes even looking like ‚a gray‘ – something we had observed already with P’tah as well.

Picture: The apports/object-materializations of the evening, some of which came through the ceiling with a loud crash! One of them came from the hands of the E.T./I.D. spirit figure and was passed on to a sitter. This is a meaningful gesture, because at the moment, participants only create ‘object-magic activation symbols’ from the gifts of the spirits, which emit magical effects on the topics presented by the spirits.
Delivering apports and a highly coded chiffre
For the sitters a highly coded chiffre was presented, a kind of formula interacting with the human intellectual and physiological properties in an undisclosed manner, but to enhance them! Over the evening moreover several apports protruded loudly through the wooden ceiling, appeared suddenly laying on a chairs seat and one object the entity himself brought into the room.