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New FEG clip displays historical momentum: Ectoplasm for the first time „filmed“ autonomously moving inside of cabinet!

By 15. August 2010Dezember 28th, 2022No Comments

During Experiments of the FEG in front of Swisse and German Researchers,
M. and E. Gueldenstein of the ISF and B. and M. Dahlberg of the „Frankfurter Ring“ (organisator of spiritual events) – we had the chance to photograph the 06th July of 2010 – during a three second exposition – three photos, that show how the plasm is moving autonomously inside of the cabinet.

At the beginning the opening process of the curtain is slightly visible –
through the mediums hands under the control of the conducting spirit
entity „Hans Bender“ – a deceased German Parapsychology Icon.

The FEG-Medium (41) was thoroughly body searched after the room
inspection. He is an Intellectual, a studied man, who came unawaited into
that position. Never considering himself having mediumistic
abilities, his mediumship was developed within the last 6 years of
committed, disciplined experimentation.

Scientists and Researchers from around the world have witnessed these peculiar ongoings.

For those that haven t attended such a materialization Seance this may look fraudulent, but it is not!

This clip has a historical momentum, because ectoplasm wasn t by now filmed exercising independent movements.

Besides these materializations, that only happen in the last 20 minutes of the
approx. 2,5 hours lasting seances, the phenomenology around the medium
contains: Rap-phenomena everywhere inside of the room, touch phenomena,
light phenomena, display of an amorphous kind of ectoplasm, that
permanently changes its appearance, mostly hands in different forms and
dimensions, levitation of objects, apports, deep trance, survival evidence.

(Please watch it in highest resolution (480) and FULL SCREEN: If you press the underlined name of the clip in the upper section of the small screen below you will be redirected to youtube!)