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By 24. Januar 2014Dezember 28th, 2022No Comments

Weeks ago I attended a séance conducted by Kai Muegge in Australia. I
found it to be a worthwhile and valuable experience. I’ve just posted
an account of this experience on a computer forum I belong to as part of
an earlier response I’d posted to the topic ‘Scientists offer quantum
theory of soul’s existence’ which came up some time ago.

My account of the Kai Muegge séance can be (originally) found as a postscript at
the bottom of my main post in which I attempted to argue that humans
have a soul and that life after death is a reality.

If you read the
replies I got in response to my initial post you’ll understand why I
chose the title/(headline) of this discussion
/(report). (link to the original forum thread)

Full report of Edward originally coming from a lengthy forum discussion (see ‚link‘ above):
I (…) (was) going to my second séance conducted
by Kai Muegge the only medium in the world I know of that demonstrates
ectoplasm in red light at his séances and it had such an impact on me
that I felt compelled to add an account of this experience to my post. I
prefer to add the account as a postscript to my first post in this
topic rather than resurrect the topic with a new post at the end and
then watch more close minded sceptics that reject anything that
conflicts with their rigid belief system and narrow worldview, respond
by posting more insults and ridicule.

The séance took place on October 29th 2013 at the same place at Wallacia
on the outskirts of Sydney as the previous séance I attended. I found
it to be a worthwhile and valuable experience with the highlight for me
being seeing ectoplasm in red light. The experience also supported the
validity of the Scole Experiment because I witnessed a number of the
same phenomena that were reported to have occurred in the Scole

Both séances that I have attended have been valuable each in a different way.

While my first séance involved some impressive physical phenomena (a
table and a megaphone levitated and did some spectacular acrobatics) the
majority of the séance consisted of people from the afterlife dimension
speaking through the medium (Tom Morris) with the main spirit entity
that came through, John Sloane, impressing me with his caring, wise and
intelligent personality and the way that he answered questions. John
Sloane did something subtle but significant (to me) at the end of the
séance that provided a strong clue that the séance was genuine.

My second séance conducted by the medium Kai Muegge, with Hans Bender
the main spirit guide from the other dimension speaking through the
medium acting as master of ceremonies, took a different approach with an
emphasis on physical paranormal phenomena as evidence of the existence
of other dimensions awaiting us after we die. This was done in an
impressive and at times awe inspiring manner.

When I saw the medium Kai Muegge approaching the room I sat in while
waiting for the séance to begin my first impression was one of surprise
at how casual and relaxed he looked. I couldn’t help thinking that if he
was a con-artist he was the most relaxed con-artist I’d ever seen
because he appeared unconcerned about what he was about to do and to
have complete confidence that the spirit helpers were going to show up
and play their part and that’s exactly what happened! Presumably he
allows himself to be used by entities in the afterlife dimension while
in trance and he probably has limited awareness of what is going on
hence there is no need for him to worry about what was going to happen.
He has also probably conducted so many séances in the past that there
was no doubt in his mind as to the reliability of the spirit entities
showing up. Cynics and sceptics might say that he was relaxed and
confident because he had successfully fooled people so many times in the
past but what I witnessed that night left me with no doubt that he is

Before the séance began he gave an introductory lecture. It was a long
rambling talk about the type of mediumship he does and how it differs
from the types of mediumship traditional in the US and UK as well as
some guidelines to prepare us for what we were about to experience.

I was one of 2 people chosen to search the séance room including the
cabinet at the front that the medium sat in while producing ectoplasm.
Neither of us found any evidence of anything suspicious. I checked the
chairs and the props that were going to be used (a plastic bucket, a few
balls covered in cloth, a handkerchief, a ceramic tile and a megaphone)
and every inch of the inside of the cabinet room. The cabinet was
basically just a rectangular frame with plywood walls and ceiling with a
black curtain at the front that you could pull over to cover the medium
as he sat inside.

Before entering the séance room every person was searched including
being checked with a metal detector for things like a torch or a camera
with a flash that might be used to take a photo of the medium while
ectoplasm was coming out of him which if it happened could be injurious
(even life threatening) to the medium because of the way that ectoplasm
reacts to white light. Kai Muegge explained during his introductory
lecture that someone once did something silly during one of his séances
that caused the ectoplasm to shoot back into his body causing him pain
and to bleed from the mouth and nose. In the past a few mediums have
been seriously hurt and one or two may have died as a result of injuries
sustained from people doing the wrong thing.

There were 17 of us in total consisting of 14 sitters plus Kai Muegge, his
wife and Inge Crosson the woman that provided the facility free of
charge for the séance. We sat in a semicircle around the cabinet located
at the front of the room and after a few minutes Kai Muegge entered the
séance room doing a strange kind of rapid heavy breathing called
‘hollotropic breathing’ which he had already been doing for about 20
minutes in private while we were searched and assigned our seats. He
made occasional loud grunting noises while breathing rapidly in this
peculiar manner. The hollotropic breathing was presumably designed to
put him into a receptive state for Hans Bender to take over his body
(and I’m guessing for his ego to become quiet and move aside).

Each of us was required to hold hands almost continuously for the entire
approximately 2 ½ hours that the séance went. This was to ensure that
no-one could be accused of being an accomplice to what occurred by
getting out of their chair or doing anything underhanded in the dark. It
was also designed to act as an alarm system in case anyone tried to do
anything silly like rush the medium and grab him or take a photo of him
with a camera that wasn’t detected during the search, while ectoplasm
was coming out of him. If anyone stopped holding hands we were
instructed to call out immediately and the séance would have halted and
possibly ended completely depending on the reason it happened.

So that there could be no accusation of fraud on the medium’s part
involving getting up in the dark without anyone knowing both the
medium’s hands were held by the persons sitting on each side of him as
well as a hand placed on each of the medium’s legs. If the medium
attempted to get up the sitters monitoring him were instructed to yell
Kai Muegge told us that even if he wanted to be deceptive and commit fraud his wife would not have allowed it.

The séance started in darkness in dramatic fashion with several
extremely loud bangs on the walls of the cabinet or the front wall of
the séance room (the banging definitely came from inside not the outside
the room). A number of women in the audience shrieked when this
happened but I remained calm and rational because I wanted to interpret
what I experienced objectively and look for any signs of trickery. The
banging sounded like a person slamming his closed fist against the
cabinet wall and my automatic reaction was to wonder if it might be Kai
Muegge doing it but then I remembered that he was being monitored by the
sitter on each side of him holding both of his hands and legs with the
instruction to yell out if he got up so it couldn’t have been him or any member of the audience as we were all holding hands!
The banging turned out to be Hans Bender the spirit guide from the
afterlife dimension announcing his arrival in dramatic fashion! When he
lived on earth (1907-1991) Hans Bender was a lecturer in parapsychology
at an institute in Freiburg Germany that he set up.

Hans Bender then spoke through the medium. His voice sounded very
similar to Kai Muegge’s voice which was understandable as he was using
Kai Muegge’s body and vocal chords and his nationality was the same as
Kai Muegge’s so english was spoken with a German accent. His personality
was also quite similar to Kai Muegge’s but in my opinion not identical.
Hans Bender explained that the séance was going to be conducted in
several phases building up to showing ectoplasm in red light. This
turned out to be the case with a series of impressive phenomena
occurring ending in ectoplasm in red light which I’ll describe in detail
later. Ectoplasm is a kind of life force substance that we all
supposedly contain that can be drawn out of us by people in the
afterlife dimension which they can use to produce phenomena in light
(principally red light). There are many photos of ectoplasm on the
internet and pretty much all of them in my opinion are crude fakes
consisting of cotton wool, cheesecloth, toilet paper etc with some
involving using photos of people cut from newspapers stuck to cotton
wool to create the illusion of human faces appearing in ectoplasm.

I’ll now list the phenomena I witnessed in summary form in the order
they occurred before describing the one I saw that impressed me the most
and provided striking evidence of another dimension with intelligent
beings living in it that are able to communicate with us under
favourable circumstances and that our our spirit goes to after we are
finished with our earth incarnations.

Summary Outline of the Phenomena I Witnessed in Chronological Order:

• Numerous members of the audience were touched on the head in quick
succession and then people were touched on the feet (we had all removed
our shoes and left them outside the séance room). As each person was
touched he/she called out. The sceptics would say that darkness allowed
the medium or an accomplice to sneak around in the dark and touch the
sitters but since all of us including the medium held hands this
couldn’t be the case. This same phenomenon occurred during many of the
Scole Experiment sessions.

• A series of sharp pinpoints of lights flashed in quick succession in a
wide clockwise pattern across the front of the room. When I saw them my
first thought was to wonder if that they been created by some sort of
laser device but as we were all holding hands and the medium’s hands
were also being held along with his legs this couldn’t have been the
source of the lights. The lights also flashed in mid air not on the wall
of the cabinet or the séance room which would be the case if a laser
device was used. Hans Bender announced that there had been a problem
with the effect that his spirit team was trying to achieve so they had
decided to abandon it and move on to the next phenomena. It then
occurred to me that I was probably the only person in the room that had
seen the lights because if others had they would have called out. The
lights were not strong but still clearly noticeable to me because I
happened to be looking in the right place when they occurred. I
remembered that a similar sort of thing happened during the Scole
Experiment with the spirit entities sometimes only achieving a weak
effect but then producing a stronger one in subsequent sessions after
experimenting and refining the method used.

• A handkerchief with numerous spots around the perimeter of it that
glowed in the dark was handed to one of the sitters by Kai Muegge’s wife
with the instruction to only let go of the handkerchief if it was
tugged strongly. While the sitter held an edge of the handkerchief with
her arm extended I saw the other end of the handkerchief rise and pulled
away so strongly that the woman let go and the handkerchief was
propelled to the other side of the circle where it fell to the floor.
This was done a couple of times with different sitters holding the
handkerchief. Big deal you might say but remember that every person held
hands while this happened and the medium was also being monitored by
the sitter on each side to make sure that he remained sitting in his
chair so no (human) person in the room could be doing it.

• A luminescent ceramic tile was placed in the middle of the circle and a
hand was seen by some sitters forming above it in the light given off
by the tile. I only saw what looked like a vague luminescent mist above
the tile. I guessed that this was because the outline of the hand was
quite dim and I was much further away from the tile than those that saw

• Three small soft cloth covered luminescent balls that glowed in the
dark were placed on top of an inverted plastic bucket in the middle of
the circle and the balls were seen to suddenly scatter in several
directions and move along the floor propelled by an invisible force.
This was repeated a couple of times.

• A light appeared and whizzed around the room rapidly pausing
intermittently in front of various people and then raced off again. I
found this to be quite impressive. While the light was darting around
the room the sitters holding the medium were asked by Hans Bender to
confirm if the medium was still in his chair and they confirmed that he
was still in his chair proving that the source of the light could not be
coming from any person in the room as all of us were holding hands.
This light did some impressive acrobatics travelling around the room at
times close to the sitters and pausing briefly before some sitters
before whizzing off again.

• A megaphone with several luminescent spots on both ends to make it
visible in the dark was placed on top of an inverted plastic bucket in
the middle of the room and we all watched it levitate up near the
ceiling and whiz around the room at speed stopping briefly in front of
some sitters before taking off again. I was particularly impressed by
this because the megaphone dropped to the floor a couple of times on
stopping and I heard it clatter as it hit the floor which confirmed to
me that it was the megaphone that had been flying around the room. After
each time it fell to the floor it levitated back up above our heads and
resumed zooming around the room. While the megaphone whizzed around
the room (with some women in the room shrieking loudly as it did so)
Hans Bender asked the sitters monitoring Kai Muegge if he was still in
his chair and they confirmed that he was and since the rest of us were
holding hands whoever or whatever was responsible for the megaphone
levitating and whizzing around the room it couldn’t have been caused by
any human in the room.

• With a light illuminating Kai Muegge and the area around him Hans
Bender asked one of the sitters to sit cross legged on the floor in
front of the medium. Kai Muegge then lifted his left arm shoulder height
stretching it out in front of him with his forearm bent at a right
angle so it was parallel to his chest and his palm and fingers were
outstretched. Hans Bender then asked the volunteer to thoroughly examine
his arm and hand for any foreign object (the medium wore a short
sleeved shirt so there was no possibility of anything concealed in his
shirt being used) and the woman volunteer announced that the medium’s
hand contained no foreign objects. The medium then groaned loudly with
such an intensity it reminded me of a woman in labour giving birth and
after about 15 seconds of this intense groaning (which I’m guessing may
have been for dramatic effect rather than necessary!) an apport (an
object transported paranormally from one place to another) appeared
below the medium’s outstretched palm and dropped to the floor!

It’s important to note that the woman sitting cross legged on the floor
was sitting with her head no more than about 30 cm from the medium’s
outstretched palm looking up at his palm so she had an excellent view
and there was a light illuminating the medium and his arm so we could
see what was happening. The woman sitting cross legged on the floor and
the sitters in close proximity confirmed that they saw the crystal stone
appear just below the medium’s outstretched hand (I was too far away to
see this) and the woman showed it to everyone after the séance was
over. I examined it and it was a hard, smooth clear piece of stone with
coloured minerals in the centre of it.

Hans Bender then announced that ectoplasm would be produced from the
medium. This was what I had been waiting for and one of the main reasons
I went to the séance.
For this to occur the medium was required to
be in the cabinet and he moved his chair back into the cabinet behind
him while sitting in it and still in trance. The curtain in front of
the cabinet was then pulled across by his wife and we were all asked to
sing (to music played by Kai Muegge’s wife) for several minutes as Hans
Bender and his spirit team of ‘chemists’ did something from their
dimension designed to cause ectoplasm to come from the medium’s mouth.

After several minutes of singing we were asked to stop and Kai Muegge’s
wife then turned on a red light that illuminated the cabinet and pulled
the curtain back. I then witnessed something remarkable that I’ll never forget.
I observed a luminescent whitish almost clear (I could see inside it
but not behind it) gas like structure in the middle of the cabinet (I
didn’t see Kai Muegge because the structure obscured him). It looked
maybe 80 cm wide, a little less than that high and maybe 50 cm deep. The
structure had stringy strands of a darker material scattered through it
which helped to define it as having depth and it was expanding and
contracting and it also moved slightly in a clockwise and then
anti-clockwise direction. From the way it moved I had the distinct
impression that it was being controlled by the spirit entities from the
other dimension who were manipulating it so that we could see it from
different angles. I was fortunate to have a very clear view of it
because I looked at it directly front-on with an unimpeded view.

Then as I watched the ectoplasm pulsating and slowly changing shape in the right half of it I saw a hand in it!
The hand must have formed in the ectoplasm after the curtain was opened
because it wasn’t there when I initially saw the mass of ectoplasm. The
hand was small but clearly defined and it ended a little above the
wrist and while the rest of the ectoplasm (apart from the stringy
strands in it) looked almost like luminescent transparent water the hand
was a dense greyish colour so it stood out very clearly against the
surrounding much lighter material. The fingers of the hand moved
slightly and the entire hand rotated slightly as if controlled by the
spirit entities to show it off from different angles. I then watched the hand move out towards us and then withdrew back into the ectoplasm and disappear.
It was surreal to say the least yet my clear view left me in no doubt
as to the reality of what I saw despite it defying the known laws of

Of all of the phenomena I witnessed that night this one stands out the
most in my memory because of how clearly I saw it from my front-on view
of the ectoplasm and the hand that formed in it and because the curtain
remained open long enough for me to be certain of what I saw. Note that
Kai Muegge’s wife only kept the curtain open for no more than 6 or 7
seconds each time that ectoplasm was displayed presumably because of the
danger to her husband with the ectoplasm being exposed to light. This
was long enough for me to be certain that this was genuine ectoplasm and
that it could not have been produced by trickery. I don’t care how
clever and cunning you are there is no way known for a human being to
produce what I saw by trickery under those conditions and with the
controls in place because the ectoplasm was a living pulsating structure
changing shape and size as I watched it. It confirmed to me that
ectoplasm does exist and that it can be produced by some mediums.

To demonstrate the control that Hans Bender’s spirit team had over
ectoplasm Hans Bender then asked Kai Muegge’s wife to close the curtain
and he announced that he would again show us ectoplasm but that it would
have a different shape and appearance to the ectoplasm we had just
seen. We were asked to sing again and before the curtain was opened
Bender described what the ectoplasm should look like and then the
curtain was pulled back and we were treated to the sight of more
ectoplasm. This time it was a tall narrow column of a dense white cloud
like material but with dark areas in it. Unlike the previous ectoplasm
it was too dense to see inside it.

After Kai Muegge’s wife closed the curtain Hans Bender then said that
his spirit team would create a likeness of a deceased relative of
someone in the audience in the ectoplasm! Hans Bender said that the
person whose likeness would appear died at the age of 93. After several
more minutes of singing we were asked to stop and Kai Muegge’s wife
turned on the red light to illuminate the cabinet and pulled the curtain
away and there was a narrow column of ectoplasm on the left side of the
cabinet. I saw a dense lattice of white interconnected strands in it
and there was a shape of a human head in it but the head was upside down!
No member of the audience recognised the face as that of a dead
relative before the curtain was pulled back across the cabinet by Kai
Muegge’s wife.

Hans Bender then told us that he didn’t know why the head was upside
down and that he would try to get his spirit team to turn it the right
way round to make it easier for someone in the audience to recognise it.
After more singing when the red light was switched on and the curtain
was pulled back the ectoplasm was again visible with the head in it but
it was still upside down. This time however after the curtain was closed
a woman in the audience called out that she recognised the face as her dead grandfather
and that he used to show off his acrobatic skills by standing on his
head in front of the family after dinner each night! The woman said that
her grandfather was so good at standing on his head that he was able do
it without using his hands to steady himself.

The reason the head in the ectoplasm was inverted was now apparent. It
was the spirit team’s way of making it easier for the woman to recognise
her grandfather in the ectoplasm. While I saw part of the ectoplasm I
didn’t see the head because of the position of the ectoplasm to my left
and only being visible for perhaps 5 seconds before the curtain was
pulled back but the woman who recognised her grandfather got a good view
of it because it was directly in front of her. This suggests that the
spirit team knew where each of us was sitting and positioned the
ectoplasm to give the woman the best chance to recognise her
grandfather. While this didn’t conclusively prove survival after death
because the head was only a likeness of the woman’s grandfather it was
convincing evidence of contact with another dimension.

What I saw by the way also confirmed in my mind that the majority of the
photos of ectoplasm taken in the first half of the last century that
I’ve seen on the internet are fakes. To capture the real thing in the
past using a camera would have been next to impossible because white
light causes ectoplasm to instantly shoot back into the medium doing
harm to the medium’s body and possibly even killing the medium. There
are special cameras today capable of capturing ectoplasm but these would
not have been readily available in the past. Cameras have recently been
used to capture ectoplasm at a Kai Muegge séance ( see
) and they show ectoplasm similar in appearance to the second and third
instances of ectoplasm I witnessed at the séance I attended (however
the first instance of ectoplasm I saw with the hand in it was

The ectoplasm in red light was the last of the phenomena I witnessed at
the séance. From what I witnessed I concluded that while our intense
form of light is incompatible with the laws governing the dimension that
the spirit entities live in darkness allows the spirit entities to make
their presence known in ways like touching, levitating objects etc and
ectoplasm allows a visible dramatic and unequivocal way of making their
presence known by using a coating of ectoplasm for protection so that
faces, hands etc can be formed that are visible to the eye in (red)
light. It makes sense that both dimensions must operate under different
laws to ensure that they remain separate under normal conditions
otherwise chaos would ensue.

Following the demonstrating of ectoplasm we then listened to Hans Bender
conclude the séance with a brief talk during which he warned us that
the excesses of capitalism were destroying the planet. While he was
right I didn’t see much point to him telling us this without at least
offering some positive alternatives. He also urged each of us to become
‘warriors for the spirit’. Both statements sounded a little trite and
naïve to me coming from a spirit speaking from another dimension that
didn’t have to worry about food, shelter and survival! Realistically
speaking unless far more unequivocal proof of communication with beings
in another dimension that awaits us after death is forthcoming in the
future evidence provided by mediums channelling spirits and séances
where phenomena like touching, lights, apports, levitation and even
ectoplasm occur are always likely to be looked upon with scepticism by
the majority of people and warnings like the one Bender gave ignored.

Hans Bender then said something that I considered to be significant.
He said that we shouldn’t think of the afterlife as being a continuation
of life as we know it on earth. In human terms he said that there is no
such thing as an afterlife. While he didn’t explicitly say it at the
séance Bender has indicated in the past that our ultimate destiny once
we are done with our human incarnations is a form of consciousness not
confined by boundaries such as a body. He describes the afterlife as a
’space in which consciousness core fields are projecting onto different
physical levels of existence‘. From this space we are able to explore
the multidimensional universe projecting our consciousness into
different dimensions and in the process move closer to the ultimate
source consciousness-God. A form of pure consciousness occupying ‚an
area‘ is also what the spirit communicators indicated they were in
response to the Ibiza Questions posed by Dr Hans Schaer during the Scole
Experiment (see Robin Foy’s book ‚Witnessing the Impossible‘ pages 200
to 203). It is also in a nutshell what Seth says is our destiny in the
book ‚Seth Speaks‘ and the other Seth books channelled through medium
Jane Roberts. Here we see the same important core idea being
communicated from different sources.

After briefly socialising following the séance I left for home at around
midnight. I have no doubt that what I experienced that night was
genuine and not some elaborate hoax for the purpose of duping people out
of money. While some mediums are phonies I’m certain that neither Kai
Muegge nor the two guys that conducted the other séance that I attended
almost 3 years earlier at the same location fall into this category. Because
of the strict controls in place during the séance the possibility of
either the medium or an accomplice among the sitters being involved in
some sort of elaborate and sophisticated deception was in my opinion
zero. Even if the strict controls had not been in place and you had the
opportunity to perpetrate fraud no-one no matter how clever they are
could have produced the ectoplasm I saw with the hand and head in it by

What will those of you that I have labelled as ’swine‘ in response to
your ridiculing of my posts make of all of this? You will reject any
evidence that conflicts with your dogmatic rigidly held conviction that
there is no such thing as a soul or an afterlife. You have to reject
what I have put forward no matter how compelling the evidence in order
to protect your comfortable rigid narrow worldviews however those of you
who are more open minded I hope got something of value from my post.
Because I personally experienced all of the things that I described that
happened at the séance I’m certain that what I experienced was genuine.
It also confirmed that the accounts I’d read about the Scole Experiment
were genuine. My experience at this latest séance I attended makes
me more certain that we are not just clever animals and that we have a
spirit and a soul and that we are part of something amazing beyond our
wildest imagination that even the many closed minded unintelligent
’swine‘ among you will eventually come to accept.