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Ectoplasm from both eyes of Medium Albert, 60+

Today a set of photos stand in the focus of my presentation eventually made available after they have slumbered partially for years in the private ‚Minute-Books‘ (séance notes and evidence) of a south-german circle i have talked  about here before. They were published in a video of DeinMedium, a portal for mediumistical services, mainly all sorts of mental mediumship and alternative healing and alike. The webmaster Judith F. had sporadic contact to the FLOW/WOLF-circle for many years now and for the PSI-online ‚spirit summit’-event a few weeks ago she was allowed to use the images for a video for subscribed audiences and now the video – including the images – went via youtube fully public! To be able to present these and other images i have waited a long time…!

It is difficult for physical mediums to do the step into the public. Ridicule and allegations of all sorts are fired from dogmatic sceptics and hateful debunkers in a daily routine – naturally people who have never met you – but not every mediums personality is ready and willing to undergo this.
And specifically new mediums do not have the public backup others may have after already having demonstrated the substantiality of their personal mediumship. Alberts work has that substantiality unquestionably but it is unsure if we ever learn to know more about the FLOW-circles medium but anonymized séance-reports and photos.

Ectoplasm from the right eye and from the mouth of medium Albert

The spectacular photos shared here today were being made due to the development of ‚Albert‘ (pseudo), the FLOW/WOLF-circles oldest member, who is serving as their medium. It is somebody who is for decades a fully integrated member of  society and has a daily high-ranked job in the finance-branche. His personal and professional social status and the fear how this environment could react onto his activities is mainly responsible for the frantic reluctancy to publish any of this material. 

The photos presented today after such a long time are only those impossible to identify the mediums identity by looking at them.
Classic extrusion of ectoplasm from the mouth

The first time he more or less coincidentally appeared inside of a spiritistic or spiritualistic environment visiting a séance. His best friend had brought him there. Mainly because Albert, today over 60 years of age, experienced for years what is called ‚absences‘, a kind of irritating, but harmless kind of temporary ‚light trance‘, letting its subject look like daydreaming or slumbering and not anymore responding for a few seconds to minutes, before slightly desoriented ‚waking up’…!

Albert had in bis life until then nothing to do at all with mediumship, trance-work or alike and his best friend simply had this instinct to bring him into the séance!?

Ectoplasm from the right eye and probably the right ear of Albert

 After the first attended séances Albert shortly later even became a member in the newly founded experimental- and group-mediumship-related circle, as a sitter like everybody else, that later became the FLOW-Circle.

At that time I learned to know him and he started with the others to attend my and others workshops and trainings and even séances. And with the time the dynamic in their circle started to shift. 

Ectoplasmic hand coming towards the camera and its enlargement, to the right is a blurred observer visible

Albert had learned, used trance-inductions and -states rightly and expressed more and more often his interest to sit for a time in the cabinet.

It didn’t took long before a powerful indigenous communicator appeared through him, a Northern American Indian who delivered quietly and calmly speaking very wise messages, drummed and sang to it. His development accelerated quickly and after months the group was experiencing balls of white light flying from the cabinet into the room, raps, table levitations and an extraordinary apport-phenomenon happening.
Massive stones appeared, suddenly landing on the séance-table or exuding from the head orifices, for example the eyes, from where plum-sized objects exited (see videos). Deceased loved ones seemed to materialize in the dark and caressed their relatives meanwhile Alberts guide spoke from the cabinet…!


Video from 2017 showing a massive plum-sized eye-socket apport

Activation Stones started to appear either and the Indian communicator delivered messages about the power of connected human will and love with a lot of indian related elements.

You might say, isn’t that sounding a bit like Kais mediumship, amounts of ectoplasm, eye-socket apports, activation stones, things digged out at the shore? This is in so far true in what the spirit teams had planned here.
The Felix Circles and Kais work with the ‚All-Chemists‘ (Spirit Team of Kai Muegges Mediumship) was influencing Alberts work via their willfully created powerful new memes. Mediums all over the world were invited to link in and start off and develop thus faster than from scratchbook…!

Video: Spontaneous Nostril Apport during hiking through the Alps

But in Alberts and his guides case – whose original names we won’t reveal either – a very strong, not to overhear and actually palpable own originality and style are perceivable.  Alberts and his guides work is independent with a lot of unique elements. Their work is unquestionably stunning!
Eventually it is the personality of Albert who gives this mediumship its final quality framework, due to his unquestionable life-long reputation.

Let us hope strongly that this medium sometimes in the future finds ways to share with a wider audience his impressive spirit-relation.
Video: Spontaneous digging at the holiday beach excavating an Activation Stone…