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Independent Testimonials: Jim Sh., Glasgow: THE EVENTS AT THE NAZARENE CENTRE WITH KAI MUEGGE

By 19. Februar 2012Dezember 28th, 2022No Comments

Three days of bliss at the Nazarene Centre with Kai and Julia, Robin and Sandra and David and Dawn.

Where to begin….On the first day after a very warm welcome by David and Dawn and only having a couple of hours blending our energies, everyone was introduced and participated in two energy based table levitating exercises. Kai led one group whilst Robin led the other. The tables danced violently and levitated three to four feet in the air many times over a short period. This made for a wonderful first day, with everyone now very much looking forward and excited for Kai’s ectoplasmic demonstration in a few days time.

The Nazarene Centre has a lovely basic accommodation with great food and with David, Dawn and Sandra working tiredlessly to make our stay at the Centre a warm and pleasant experience.

On the second day Kai gave an in depth talk on past and present Physical Mediums. A wonderful lecture which really showed Kai’s abundant knowledge, even Robin Foy said he’d been researching for over 40years and we had seen photographic slides never shown to the public before and how we were all very privileged to be here.

Next came David and Dawn’s trance workshop that brought out trance speakers from the group and also a few sitters that had never spoke before and had now made giant leaps in their own development. A very loving couple David and Dawn.

Next came an informal talk from Robin and Sandra Foy about Scole era and before with Spirit working with them ,with many questions being answered by the group and a lot more info from Robin and Sandra which showed how wonderfully Spirit had been guiding them ,even before Robin and Sandra had met each other. I found Robin and Sandra very approachable, experienced and and very giving of their knowledge and experiences (from one who asks many questions) this was great , I warmed to them very much and would like to thank them for the work they have did to many budding physical mediums and circles around the world.

There was a lot more I could say about these three days but I wish to report on the main event – Kai’s demonstration of Ectoplasm. I would like to start by saying that a week before I arrived in Spain for this demonstration , I tuned into Hans Bender in a meditation and asked if he could give us some information to help our circle move to the next stage… this is my testimonial of the sitting:: Kai did his holotropic breathing to induce his deep trance state and after what seemed like about ten minutes , Hans Bender came through. There was a very warm and loving feeling with this man which I must admit , knowing of his academic background and his portfolio I thought he would have been a bit stuffy but I was wrong. I could feel the love from him very strongly. I have to say I have sat in a few physical séances before with Tom and Kevin, Bill Meadows, Warren Caylor, David Thompson, Scott Milligan etc ,and have felt the drain of energy with them all but this was nothing to the way I felt sitting with Kai. At some stage I thought my head would blow up, I felt linked to Hans Bender or Kai, but what was great was when Hans Bender said (when the energy drain was at it’s worst ) “are you alright Jim” which at the same time relieved the draining , although I talk of this draining in detail it was still a great experience and i loved being part of it all , then came the spirit lights, very bright lights about an inch in diameter going up like a roman candle, very bright, very clear. we sang to build up the energy again Then I saw my mother ( who passed on four years previously ) in the séance room , I whispered to my partner Mari who sat on my right ,that I had just seen my mother ,when Hans Bender said we have a mother here looking for her son, then he gave a very personal message to me from my mother, obviously the emotions in the room were very high then as my mother came over to me and put her head on my shoulder and stroked my face & hair the tears flowed ( tears of joy ), then still with her head on my shoulder, leaned over and stoked Mari’s hair. The lovely Bridgette who sat on my left also felt my mother when her head was on my shoulder. Very emotional for us all.

The Seance Room at the Marbella Healing Centre

Next Hans Bender asked for the illuminated plaque to be put in then centre of floor about three metres for the cabinet and the ectoplasmic hand would be shown on the plaque while all the time loud knocks were rapping all around the room above all our heads, above the cabinet and sounds from behind the cabinet. The hand was shown on the plaque and the plaque was also moved by ectoplasm. A couple of evidential messages were also given to other sitters – a grandmother to her grandson and to a retired scientist sitting up at the back of the room got a message from another scientist who had passed over but had the same interests. Then came the showing of the ectoplasm. Julia, the circle leader for the night and the person in charge of Kai’s safety, was asked to open the curtains with the help of Sandra Foy for five seconds whilst putting on the light so all could see the ectoplasm. I was amazed at the amount of ectoplasm – Kai’s head, shoulders and all the way down to the floor was covered. Kai’s mouth was opened and volumes were still forming very clearly. I was fantastic and a very clear observation of ectoplasm. Hans Bender took control of Kai’s hands and started to rip the ectoplasm apart showing the candyfloss like substance. You could see something had formed in the ectoplasm and then an apport fell out. Julia picked up the apport and announced it was a crystal. After showing the ectoplasm several times in red light to all the sitters it just disappeared. When Hans Bender was able to talk again he said that the crystal was for me from my mother in spirit and that I could use it to call in Hans Bender for help with phenomena in our circle and that this crystal had been charged by spirit.

The spirit light show, the raps and knocks, the ectoplasm and the apport was fantastic and for so many first time sitters was simply brilliant. There were a lot of amusing moments during the sitting which even had Hans Bender laughing, all adding to create an exceptional séance and great experience. Mari and I would like to thank David and Dawn, Robin and Sandra, Kai and Julia and Hans Bender and the FEG Group.

Love to all ,this little write up does not give these three days justice xx

Jim and Mari