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By 9. Oktober 2010Dezember 28th, 2022No Comments

By Maryse and John LOCKE

(Maryse and John Locke are well known European long term researchers and involved in many highly sophisticated experimentation attempts. Having experimented with many other influential personalities of the European and International scene, John and Maryse represent a potent alliance between a skillfull engineer (former :::::: :::::::::::) and a privy mystic.
John builds most sophicticated devices (like f.e. the germanium device as it was applied at the famous Scole-Experiments) and state of the art experimentation arrays meanwhile Maryse is a classical practical mystic, whose gigantic knowledge and awareness leads you into the realms of the unspoken and inarticulable, into the symbolic language and for all others closed gateway to the inner truth of things. Both are extremely enriching personalities and their sitting with the members of the FEG remains unforgotten powerful!
Please visit their website)

Hanau is a charming small town of Germany, situated at about 13 miles (21 kms) from Frankfurt. Hanau has kept an human size and is split in two parts: the old town and the more modern area. The physical medium Kai Muegge invited us in his house, which is situated in the old town area. The seance in his house was organised on the Friday 1st October 2010. We drove from France and met in our Arcadia hotel with another friend, Inge, who came from Australia; we could strengthen our bonding few hours before the seance.

We were all waited by Mrs Elke Muegge, the mother of Kai, at 19: 30. She gently has organised a large table with sweet snacks and drinks, so that we could all introduce ourselves to each other, for an hour or so, before the seance. The ambience of friendship and openness was already set among us, before even going down in the cellar. We found that it was a very good idea to give us the chance to know each other. The Felix circle can be proud because its members are knowledgeable, committed and enthusiastic about sitting with Spirits. Including the physical medium, they are 9 regular members (2 were absent because of holyday) who have been with the circle for several years, which is a proof of the general harmony and joy they have to sit together. And it is this joy that they have all communicated to us, the three visitors, putting us at ease in their company.

The sitting room in the cellar has been carefully searched before we were assigned our respective chair. The medium, Kai Muegge, sat on his chair in the cabinet, and opened with a prayer of protection. While the medium was praying, Maryse already saw a large Spirit light on the opposite wall, which was telling us that Spirits were already in the room.

The music was played and the sitters sang to it. Few minutes after the medium’s usual holotropic breathing process, Spirit Hans Bender took control of the medium and spoke to us, checking if each visitor was well, welcomed us and explained to us few recommendations about keeping our legs and hands very close to our bodies in order to not create interferences within the energy field situated in front of the cabinet and in front of all of us, in the middle of our circle of chairs, on a rectangular area of about 3 m long x 2m large. It is in this energy field area that all the phenomena took place:

  • The first phenomenon that told us about the presence of the other Spirit chemists in the room was the little chime hooked on the ceiling which made noise for few moments, while we were still hearing the voice of Hans Bender talking to us from behind the closed cabinet. After about 10 minutes, Hans Bender asked that the chime be unhooked and taking away from the ceiling.
  • We were all touched on different parts of our bodies many times by the Spirit chemists standing in the room, while the voice of Hans Bender was continuing to talk to us from the closed cabinet.
  • Levitation of the trumpet that went up and down and circulated near the face of the sitters.
  • Then 45 minutes from the beginning, Hans Bender directed an experience of clicking our fingers a certain amount of times, echoed by some Spirits that made the same number of taps above us on the ceiling.
  • There have been many loud knocks done by Spirits on the wooden panelled ceiling; John made the joke that the Spirits might be building something up there.
  • Creation of Spirit lights to the great joy of the sitters. Some times a wide illuminated field, and some time the light was concentrated and had a diameter of about 1,5 cm. It was a concentrated violet light, seemingly made of plasma found in the atmosphere. It was going up and down, but also came close to our faces. This phenomenon lasted approximately 5 to 10 minutes. We were all encouraging the Spirits and were applauding. Hans Bender told us that it was only the beginning!

During all the seance, we were all singing our lungs out on the Beatles and the Queens’ songs, dancing as we sat on our chairs, laughing like happy children, clapping hands in order to express our joy and our enthusiastic gratitude, saying « Bravo» many times. No stern restrictions and censorship. Total Freedom and trust! We were all feeling good and at ease, like in a big family. To put us at ease, the Spirits themselves talked alternatively in both languages: in German and in English, and translation has been required each time by Hans Bender for those who would not have fully understood.

Hans Bender ensured the mother of the medium that as a serious and adult Gatekeeper he was taking great care of the medium and of his health. For the comfort of the medium and of all the sitters, Hans Bender has asked during the seance to make sure that there would be no light coming from next room and then to open the door in order to make some fresh air entering. He also asked twice to Elke to activate the air conditioning.

Suddenly the extraterrestrial PTAH revealed his presence with a powerful voice, saying he was talking for the first time through the medium. In fact he was talking a perfect English without the slightest accent, and with a firm and strong voice, he told us that is was the first time that he was using English language, and that he has never used German or English language before, but he was using the English language that is stored in the medium’s mind. Few weeks before, the medium was very happy because he was thinking he has been contacted by a light extraterrestrial being called Sirius. He was talking about that with parts of his circle. But the name was not right. The revealed name is PTAH and he said he was from the system of Sirius; he is from the hierarchy of the group that calls itself « The Chemists ».

Some of the group have already tried to solve the riddle. PTAH unveiled to us that 6000 years ago his extraterrestrial ancestors from the belt of Sirius, in the constellation of the dog, were interbreeding with human beings, so we are all the seeds of extraterrestrials. They have stored a large amount, an important and necessary knowledge. And their program of information took place through the centuries and through one of 23 communication paths between the interstellar beings, and he affirmed that these information can be found, for example in the Egyptian and Babylonian mythology, or in some philosophical movements of the far Eastern countries, like in the Chinese Taoism, in the Indian Tantrism, and other earthly religions. Over the Silk road and through the Knights of the Temple the knowledge came to Europe, and only few adepts were knowing; for example John Dee, Wilhelm Reich, Mr Gurdjieff and naturally Mr Aleister Crowley were all aware of the extraterrestrial communications with the Humans in order to guide humankind. They have been able to use the stored information and actually to contact Sirius intelligences. He said Mr Aleister Crowley is also part of the « Chemists » and is involved in the interdimensional communication experimentation. PTAH is occupied to guard and watch the interdimensional communications and experimentations taking place in the Felix group. PTAH announced the two apports from Mr Crowley before departing.

Then Hans Bender asked the sitters if they could repeat what has been said by PTAH. He seemed not to be aware of the intervention of PTAH. Hans Bender checked with us if the apports were well arrived, as from his position in the cabinet, he could not see. Dr J. Soerderling announced him that the apports have already landed smoothly on the floor, away from the cabinet, at about 3 meters, at the moment Hans talked to us again. These apports were two pieces of paper included in two balls of white wax, written and signed by Aleister Crowley:

  • Apport A) “Every man and every woman is a star.” — signed A.C.
  • Apport B) “The unveiling of the company of an heaven.” — signed A. C.

It is to be noted that Aleister Crowley, during his physical life on Earth, has expressed his indignation concerning the undignified discrimination against women and the systematic wholesale slaughter game and malices against them, most of the time eliminating them from the enterprises, paying them less than their due and treating them as inferior slaves even in the private life, just good for sex and the kitchen… He is obviously still thinking that these inequality of conditions are an insult to the spirit within us and leaving passively the breeding of the forces of destruction can only result in filth, sordid poverty, disease, pain, and crying neglect in our society. By affirming that « every man and every woman is a star », he somehow reminds us about our EQUALITY in the Great Evolutionary Plan, and that it is only by those fights against the crying inequalities that we rise to the true light.

  • Then Hans Bender gave some instructions for setting the luminous plaque on the floor in the center of the energy field, about 3 meters from the cabinet, while we all held hand and sang. Then we have witnessed the materialisation of many different types of hands and fingers passing over it. One of the hands seemed to be more extraterrestrial than human. Alex and Herman have been required by Hans Bender to control all his limbs meanwhile the materialization process of hands over the plaque was happening. Alex and Hermann, sitting left and right to the cabinet were holding the mediums both hands and laying their other hands on the mediums upper leg. The 4-limb control should demonstrate that the ongoings were independent from any mediums involvement. Hans Bender explained that although fraud proof is thus given the touching of the medium allows too much energy to flow astray from the actual mediumistic process, why the medium is strongly affected afterwards, as additionally its energy has already been depleted by the other experiments. The other sitters were all holding hands also to form a strong battery.
  • Then Hans Bender asked that the white handkerchief, with luminous marks on both sides, be rolled like a sausage and put on the luminous plaque on the floor. Then the Spirits moved it and then the handkerchief levitated. We all applauded.
  • Behind the closed cabinet, Hans instructed how to hold the handkerchief. Then we have been asked in turn, Inge, Maryse, and John (in this sequence) to hold the white handkerchief (the luminous marks have been quickly charged with a lamp torch on both sides previously) , and the group explained how to hold the handkerchief in the energy field and wait for Spirits to lift it up above our hand; at which time we released the handkerchief and it continued to move on its on in the energy field, accompanied by the encouragement of all the sitters.
  • Because of the exceptional harmonious good and relaxed ambience in the room, Hans Bender told us the Chemists would try to present the ectoplasm in more compact and dense state in order to try to show some bodies. In the mean time, we sang, and held hands while waiting. The Chemists have been able to extract an amazing flow of ectoplasm extruding from the nose and mouth of the medium. As Hans Bender asked us to open the cabinet during 5 seconds and accorded the permission to Dr J. Soerderling (who has asked during the seance if he could take some pictures), some pictures have been taken during five different periods of 5 seconds. A shade with a red light was on during all the duration of this last experiment. Each time that the curtain of the cabinet was re-opened, the amount and appearance of the ectoplasm was different. It seems the materialising a body has been attempt. According to the quick progression of the ectoplasm extraction, there is no doubt on our mind that the full materialisation of a Spirit will happen very soon.

When Hans Bender announced to us that the powerful and fulfilling evening was over and that we had to close the seance, we thanked him and we all applauded.

The Felix circle is based on the respect of each human — the respect of the medium, the respect of each members, and the respect of the visitors — thus the great harmony and the safety that we can feel in this exceptional circle; and thus the great success concerning the apports and all the other numerous phenomena. We want to emphasise the great nobleness of heart and the righteousness that we have found among all the sincere friends we met there. A special thank you to Mrs Elke Muegge for all the organisation that ensured the success of this event and to the circle group for their acceptance of us into their group.