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By 10. März 2012Dezember 28th, 2022No Comments

This seance (on Thursday February 9th) was the second of three that
were held during the Physical Mediumship Seminar and study week at Rob
and Barbara McLernon’s Acacia Centre – Los Molinos (near Balsicas) in
the Murcia area of the Costa Blanca, Spain. Kai completed his two-hour
preparative meditation and instructional talk to the delegates ready for
the sitting to begin; then all participants were informally searched
before being seated in the seance room.

Medium for the FEG Spirit Team Kai Muegge and his fiancee Julia, who does the circle lead when demonstrating outside of Germany

 Once again, Julia (Kai’s fiancee) acted as circle leader
and controller for Kai, as she sat on the medium’s right – next to the
cabinet. Sandra sat on the other side of the cabinet, to the medium’s
left. As with the first seance, there were just 20 people present for
the event – including the medium himself. Julia and Sandra subjected the
deeply entranced medium to a full four-limb control whenever Kai’s main
spirit guide – Professor Hans Bender requested that the medium be fully
controlled whilst phenomena was occurring in another part of the room.
The four-limb control is very effective, as both the sitter on the right
of the cabinet, and the sitter on the left each hold one arm and one
leg of the medium, and are thus fully able to confirm that the medium
(in deep trance) is exactly in the place he should be at the time, and
is totally still so – in other words – is fully controlled.
Additionally, apart from the regular calls by Hans Bender for the
four-limb control to be applied to the medium, Hans also insists that
the two ‚controllers‘ beside the cabinet check one another’s limbs too –
so that every sitter can be totally sure that the medium, and the
controllers themselves, are totally immobile whilst impressive phenomena
continues to happen in the room.
I once again undertook a strip search of the medium (at his
own request) before the seance, and was then able to confirm that he had
nothing on his person, seance clothes and shoes that could in any way
affect the outcome of the seance. I then walked with him to the seance
room with his hands held aloft so that he touched nothing on the way. By
the time we arrived, all the other sitters were in place, and ready for
the seance to start.

The perfect location for Physical Seances at the Acacia Center prior to second Seance of the FEG-Spirit Team

 This seance lasted for a total of two hours and twenty-five minutes
from start to finish. Kai made a universal opening statement/prayer, and
the session was under way.
The first piece of music – a native american chant style of loud
meditational music – was played as the medium began his somewhat
stressful holotropic breathing exercise to induce his own deep trance.
This exercise took some 10 to 15 minutes before – once again – loud
rappings were heard on the floor, ceiling and walls of the seance room.
These became louder and louder, until finally, the medium’s control
(speaking through the medium’s own vocal chords) made himself heard and
introduced himself.
Four of the delegates at this seance had not sat in the first
session, two days previously, so Hans explained that there was a need to
repeat some of the phenomena that had occurred at the first seance
before moving on to a new phase of phenomena. The music was then changed
to a lively CD with excellent songs to sing along to, and Hans Bender
urged ALL the sitters to join in with the singing to build up the
energies for the planned phenomena.
As the singing got under way, there were continued raps around the
room in time to the music; the tambourine and twin maracas were
levitated and played as well. Whilst this was occurring, spirit moved
the medium and his chair forward out opf the cabinet – and the medium
was put under the four-limb control so that all delegates could be
absolutely sure that the medium was nowhere near the phenomena that was
occurring some two metres in front of him; was totally immobile and
passive whilst this was going on. Strong psychic breezes were
experienced by most of the delegates.
Hans Bender told sitters that there were spirit people present
physically, and we all heard footsteps across the floor at various times
whilst the medium was under full control.
The medium was moved back into the cabinet as the singing continued.
Sitters around the room were variously being touched by spirit hands on
their knees and arms. Some had their faces and/or hair stroked gently
and lovingly by spirit. Other sitters were reporting an interaction with
what appeared to be small animals (and even spider-like beings) around
their legs and on their laps.
On Hans Bender’s instructions, the medium was frequently put under a
four-limb control whilst lively phenomena was occurring all over the
room. Three luminous ping-pong balls were placed on a small tray two
metres in front of the cabinet. Twice the three were together thrown in
three different directions off the tray. Spirit lights were present –
two or three at a time – and moved rapidly around the room, performing
aerobatics from time to time.
A trumpet was levitated, and moved gently round the room at first in a
stately manner, sometimes softly ‚touching‘ or ‚caressing‘ sitters as
it went. At this point, the trumpet softly touched me on my chest.
Finally, the trumpet flew around rapidly everywhere – soaring right to
the very high ceiling, and to every part of the room. An exercise was
tried as the trumpet approached Rob McLernon carefully. Hans Bender
asked him to hold the trumpet round its wide end whilst the spirit team
tried to pull it away by means of a ectoplasmic rod. This resulted in an
amusing ‚Tug of War‘, as the spirit team demonstrated the strength of
their hold on the trumpet.
Unfortunately, just as the power was continuing to build, one of the
delegates felt faint, and was forced to leave the room. Everything
stopped for a while whilst the lady concerned left the room, and Hans
Bender explained that it would now be necessary for us to break the
circle and open the exterior door for a period of about 10 minutes so
that the spirit team could re-build the power base which had collapsed
when the lady left the seance room. In most cases where this sort of
interruption occurs during a physical seance, the session would not have
been able to continue after such an interruption, but with Kai – on
this occasion – we did resume the sitting after the 10 minutes break.
The lady concerned was offered the opportunity to return to the sitting,
but declined to do so.
However, the strength of the phenomena had indeed suffered because of
the interruption, and the seance room did not feel quite so ‚charged‘
as it had before. It therefore took a great deal of singing by us all
and some time to re-establish the force field and the required reservoir
of ectoplasm needed for the final phase of the seance.
When sufficient ectoplasm had gathered for the spirit team’s needs
(we had heard slight elecrtostatic crackles as this occurred), the
signal was given (three raps on the floor by the medium’s feet) and the
cabinet curtains opened by Julia and Sandra. The red light was turned
on, and delegates clearly saw a profusion of ectoplasm leaving the mouth
of the medium, being drawn out by his hands as it flowed outwards and
downwards. On the second signal, the red light was turned off, and the
curtains closed.
The second time the ectoplasm was displayed in red light, a very
large mass of it had now separated totally from the medium, and was
lying in a large pool on the floor in front of him.
Hans Bender explained that the next time the curtains opened, he
would demonstrate how he could personally activate the ectoplasm.
Indeed, when the curtains opened for the third time, in good red
light, the pool of ectoplasm on the floor in front of the medium was
even larger. In the middle of the pool, and apparently rising through
the floor, was gradually built up (to a height of two to three feet) the
arm and hand of Hans Bender, cloaked in ectoplasm – and waving at us!!!

The materialised hand waving, photogeaphed at another Seance

 The curtains closed again. The next time, we were able to see a
definite column of ectoplasm next to (and on the left of) the medium,
which was almost four feet tall. The ectoplasm this time was rather more
nebulous and undulating than previously.
The final time the curtain was opened in good red light, Kai
was encased from head to foot in a ‚cocoon‘ of ectoplasm. This sight was
extremely impressive for all to see. Hans Bender explained to us that
this had been done to restore the medium’s energy, which had been
somewhat depleted by the earlier interruption to the seance. The spirit
team had hoped to finally bring an apport for somebody present, but had
been unable to do so on this occasion.
Despite the small setback, this seance was extremely successful;
evidential and enjoyed by all the delegates who were present. Our thanks
went out to Kai and Julia for their efforts on our behalf!!
Warmest wishes,
Robin Foy