The participants of the exceptionally strong last Seance at the Acacia Center, Murcia, Spain |
This third and final seance by German Physical Medium Kai
Muegge to complete the week’s Physical Mediumship Seminar and Course at
Rob and Barbara McLernon’s Acacia Centre (near Balsicas, Murcia, Spain)
was very special indeed.
The energies had been building up all week during the course, and the
two previous (very successful) seances – for this final event – the
amazing results of which superceded all our expectations, in that two
new developments and rather important additional aspects of Kai’s
mediumship (together with the wonders we had already experienced that
week) revealed themselves to us.
Ther first of the new developments was the further improvement in the
quantity and the quality of the evidential information offered to
delegates by Kai’s main sprit guide – Professor Hans Bender.
The second was a totally unexpected and mind-blowing display of the
actual face (materialised within the ectoplasm) of Hans Bender –
illuminated by WHITE LIGHT!!!!!
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A crystal like this materialized from ectoplasm and was given to a sitter |
For this third seance, there were only 19 sitters, including the
medium, as one lady did not feel well enough to sit. Every one of these
delegates had sat with Kai at least once during the week in the two
previous seances.
The protocols for the session were once again outlined by Kai, who
had previously spent over two hours meditating intensely prior to this
sitting. Kai then retired to his bedroom to prepare finally for the
seance, whilst delegates were searched and seated ready in the seance
Once again (at Kai’s own request) I undertook a strip search of the
medium, and conducted him – hands aloft – into the seance room. I was
able to assure everybody that Kai had absolutely nothing on his person;
in his seance clothes, or in his shoes that would affect the seance in
any way.
Sandra and Julia acted as the medium’s controllers again, and were
seated on either side of the cabinet. It was their job to put the medium
under a secure four-limb control whenever Hans Bender requested this to
be done; particularly when active and lively phenomena was occurring
over two metres away from the medium. By this means, all participants
could be 100% sure that the medium was totally immobile on his chair –
completely still – whilst impressive phenomena was taking place
Julia, sitting to the right of Kai, also operated the red light (for
displaying ectoplasm as necessary) and a torch which used white light
(for showing delegates to their seats, and finding the door later in the
darkness). Julia also activated (and placed in position) the luminous
plaque when this was called for by the spirit team, as well as placing
and retrieving various pieces of equipment at the request of Hans
Furthermore, when complete four-limb control of the medium was called
for, and was undertaken by Julia and Sandra, Hans Bender also ensured
that for total control and maximum security, Sandra and Julia also
checked each other, as well as the medium.
Whilst a native american meditational chant was playing loudly in
the background, Kai launched into his usual stressful holotropic
breathing exercises to induce the deep trance state. This phase of the
proceedings took some 15 to 20 minutes before finally Hans Bender’s
voice could be heard welcoming us all to the session, and acting as MC
for the seance. Hans communicates through the medium’s own vocal chords.
As soon as Hans Bender introduced himself, there was a profusion of
loud raps around the room – on walls, ceiling and floors, indicating the
start of the phenomena. At the same time, the tambourine and twin
maracas were levitated and played two metres away from the medium.
The music was changed to a series of well-known songs, and the
delegates were happy to sing (or la-la-la) along to these lively tunes.
The rapping and instruments accompanied the singing. Almost immediately,
delegates felt strong psychic breezes around the room. Spirit people
could be heard walking across the floor whilst the medium was fully
There was an amazing display of spirit lights; up to four of these
were seen at any one time – in different parts of the room. One circled
the head of the medium like a halo. The lights were extremely lively,
and performed various aerobatic feats.
At the request of Hans Bender, the ‚illuminated handkerchief‘
experiment (previously immortalised by Austrian Physical Medium Rudi
Schneider) was demonstrated whilst the medium was under full control. A
single sitter held the illuminated handkerchief out into the room; this
was subsequently snatched from their hand by ectoplasmic structures,
which then triumphantly whisked the handkerchief up to the ceiling (over
3 metres high). This particular experiment was repeated a couple of
times with different delegates holding the handkerchief.
The illuminated plaque was placed on top of one-foot high bucket, two
metres away from the medium. As we continued to sing to the lively
music, several different spirit hands were displayed for us all to see
against the illuminated plaque. There were large ones, small hands, and
some that were not quite fully formed. The direction from which most of
these appeared was the far end of the seance room, with the hands
pointing towards the medium. As he was fully controlled whilst this was
happening, there was no doubt as to the genuine nature of the phenomena.
There was some really excellent personal evidence then from Hans
Bender. Sitter Louisa had a spirit guide brought through for her who she
had known particularly well whilst sitting with another medium for two
years. Sitter Morag also had good personal evidence given.
The Seance Room from another perspective |
There was one quite amazing piece of evidence, however, for sitter
Neal from the USA. None of us knew he was a medical doctor who
specialised in AIDS, but a previous patient of his (who Neal had helped
to face death) came through to thank Neal for what he had done on the
patient’s behalf. This patient was accompanied by a Sioux Medicine Man –
one of Neal’s Guides – who pointed a pipe at Neal and clearly
pronounced via Hans Bender the two words in the Sioux language which
meant ‚Medicine Man‘. The only person in the room himself that spoke
this language was Neal himself.
Do read Neal’s own account of this really evidential message …. currently on PM4U.
Interestingly, there was no necessity during this seance for a break. The sitting continued to its natural conclusion.
The final phase of the seance was to be an impressive display of
ectoplasm emanating from the medium. Once again, as this substance was
produced and extruded from the medium, we could all hear faint
electrostatic crackles from the cabinet area.
When the cabinet curtains were opened for the first time, and a good
red light was directed into the cabinet, we could all see a mass of
ectoplasm coming from the medium’s mouth. His hands were used by the
spirit controls to extract even more of this from the medium’s mouth
before the cabinet curtains were closed again.
For the second showing of the ectoplasm, Hans Bender used the
medium’s hands to rip the ectoplasmic mass apart, clearly showing
everybody the candy-floss/spiders web texture of the substance.
Shortly after the cabinet curtains were closed again, Hans Bender
asked Julia „Julia, do you trust me?“ To begin with, Julia was not quite
sure what Hans was getting at, and half-heartedly replied slowly ““. Hans Bender repeated the question „Julia, do you trust me?“
This time Julia replied without hesitation „Yes, Hans – very much“.
Hans Bender then instructed Julia – on his signal of three raps by
the medium’s feet on the floor – to turn on the torch (with its white
light) and point it at the floor in front of the cabinet, so that the
white light reflected upwards onto the front of the cabinet. He
explained that he would attempt to show his materialised face for us all
to see.
The signal was given; the white light was turned on. We all saw –
quite clearly – the materialised face of Hans Bender; just in front of
the cabinet curtains, and framed by a fringe of cotton-wool like
ectoplasm. This display happened twice, and was quite without precedent
in the living history of psychic research.
The illumination of the ectoplasmic materialisation in white light has to be a world-first at the moment!!!!!
Finally, the cabinet curtains were opened again, and out of the
ectoplasmic mass, we all saw the materialisation of an apport – a small
crystal which was – on Hans Bender’s instructions – given to Neal with
The cabinet curtains closed once more and were re-opened a few
seconds later. All signs of ectoplasm had disappeared entirely. As the
curtains closed one last time, Hans Bender closed the seance, which had
lasted two hours and fifteen minutes, without a break.
What we had witnessed was absolutely amazing. We had all been a part of psychic history that day!!!
The whole event had been a great success over the week, for which we
would all like to thank Kai, Julia, Rob, Barbara and the spirit team for
their efforts on our behalf.
Warmest Wishes,
Robin Foy