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By 10. März 2015Dezember 28th, 2022No Comments

Over the last months the ‚Spirit Alchemists‘ haven’t been inactive, in the contrary. The Alchemists, formerly ‚the Chemists‘, is a spirit team division responsible for the very direct and physical interaction with human subjects – among them the Felix Circle members and mediums. They work under the supervision of so called higher spirit controls, entities that observe and allow the interdimensional contact, gatekeepers! The Alchemists messages always represent the higher controls wishes as well.

 In this article we would like to share with you the most recent developments and ongoings: A lot of new impulses were being given and have implemented standards that enhance the work within the Felix Circle as well
as specifically Medium Kai and wife Julia M.’s séance room and workshop activities.
newly discovered trance-mode for example, for a specified medical spirit team around
the deceased Dr. Felix M., the grandfather of the medium, has finally established different modes of spiritual and magnetical healing treatments.
Moreover has the method to teach deep trance speech and spirit guide contact enabled world widely different parties of interested people to enhance their own spirit agendas and integrate it into their own practices.
Specifically beautiful and considerable is a by the spirits presented circle of thought and action through their higher controls in connection with a literally magical apport and/or materialization scenario of actually peculiar objects. We talk about that and its consequences later. 

Besides some of our rare international appearances the Hanau homebase near Frankfurt/Germany and the Basle PSI Association are our main venues of activity.

Panorama Image: Click to enlarge it to have an overview from one perspective of the Hanau Séance Room

 In this large room we hold the three different sitting-settings healing, table resp. development and cabinet séances. Moreover we are holding easy indian ceremonies like the Pipe Ceremony at the beginning of Workshop-Weekends for example.

Besides the classical trance work we are not reluctant to use the Oui-Ja board as predestined tool for spirit communication. Its bad name the board has, because it was sold as a toy to kids and families who summoned the spirits without knowing what they were doing. It is a basicly very handy tool for word-related communication with the unseen realms.

An old Oui-ja board and other Séance Room props.

At the walls the main spirit helpers of the group for the physical interactions are hung: The Spirit Alchemists, or earlier ‚The Chemists‘. They are in a very pragmatic way responsible for the build of the evenings, the communication with the sitters and the experimental settings. But in reality the philosophy comes ‚from the trunk of which these personalities are simply branches of, twigs‘, a higher representator once did tell us.

It is a group of five spirits (pics at the wall) that build ‚the entrance‘ or the portal for the exchange of energy but the whole message comes from the higher realms of their and our involvements

The present higher spirits are not so close to human beings, behaviour and conversion and so their messages come via the main group and its speaker, the deceased Parapsychologist ‚Hans‘.


The group practices healing as well as there is in the meantime a trance-model for healing activities in which the deceased Dr. Felix M. (quasi-)operates the clients body. There are sections done in deep trance and some in a light trance, in which the medium is aware what is being spoken and done. Most of the treatments are done via the eye, the fontanella and the spine.

Healing Room in Hanau

Sometimes through a layer of spontaneously produced ectoplasm sickening materials are materialized from the clients bodies or directly pulled from the eye or another area! In trance the medium draws sequences of pattern-like streaks with his fingers on the skin of the patient claiming to communicate thus with the deeper layers of the body consciousness. Sometimes blunt instruments are used like the eye-bath-glass that fills up then with sickening liquids drawn by the spirits from the body. 

Healing Room at the BPV, the Basle PSI Association in Switzerland

 In a deep trance sometimes the ectoplasm is formed and used by the spirits as an operation tool directly. Such a rare action could be photographed during a treatment session for the pancreas, exercised by those strange forceps like prolongings built from the unconscious mediums mouth.

Two forceps like prolongings seem to operate both eyes of the client.
The pancreas was the organ treated in this strange practice.
In the treatment rooms the walls are full of photographs showing the spirit during his earth-life doing surgery in the clinics he had erected. Additionally private objects of him are used and for example hold by the clients to install a physiological connection with the spirit.
Images at the wall showing the Ophtalmologist Dr. Felix M. during eye-surgeries in his clinics.


For several years we offer the opportunity to become consulted by the spirit team directly. Many different mediums and groups took the chance and became fine-tuned by the spirit controls alongside their wishes and talents. Frequently we work through and with the dynamics of people to enhance them personally on a spiritual and holistical plane.

A centre-stone, as materialized in Hanau, date unknown.

How special such weekends can be was just demonstrated by the spirits a few weeks ago.
For some time now the spirits formulate a clear concept of a kind of higher spiritualism.
This concept contends and is bound to a mature, nourishing and thriving social behavourism.
High morals and ethics, unconditional acceptance, compassion and love for the human being enhance and inspire those new social qualities.
The human evolution and spiritual grounding comes from free experimentation with the spirit world and the global gathering of and seeking for valuable information from the evolved spirits about the build of our cosmos and the path of the souls existence for the awareness of us all.
Being aware the soul is eternal this work will not solely be bound to survivalistical results.
We believe the survivalistical dogma, evaluating mediumistic efforts only when they produce ’survival evidence‘, is responsible for a considerable subliminal pressure onto working mediums and for a general low quality of messages. It promotes moreover a simplistic image of a ‚here and now‘ and ‚an afterlife‘ in a dualistical sense originating from the industrial age and the mechanistical worldview from the early 19th century.

‚Light-‚ or ‚activation-stones‘ materialized for a group of guests, coming for consolidation of their group and for the answer of several questions relating their spirit work.

Meanwhile three of them materialized during mediumship training moduls, one stone materialized externally. When the group was out alone in the evening, sitting in a restaurant in Frankfurt, the Spirits materialized the fourth stone to show those were unquestionable supernormal creations. Neither the medium, nor the mediums wife were present that night. The stone appeared laying on a box, that was just used minutes before.  

The spirits in the contrary promote todays mediums to be able to receive much more complex information leading us closer to the truth of creation than outdated ideas.
They want to create an army of good-doers and -thinkers, an army of light-workers who know about the secret that the consciousness is a creational source and tool and that our doings have massive consequences to the systems we are embedded in, even to those we are not perceiving at the moment. Their weapons will be their virtues and the love they exercise, unconditionally, always an example. An army of warriors, whose warfare is love and scholarship for wisdom and enhancement for the whole human race.

They are offering that concept to mediums and séance-room groups to build a new contemporary form of spirituality movement under the guidelines of compassion and peace. To strengthen and underline the actuality and realness of their offer they materialize a peculiar object which will be offered to certain personalities and groups: The Activation Stone!

There are no requirements bound to the stone, but only if the receiver works and behaves in the philantropic spirit the true destiny of the stones and the connection among the stone-carriers will become reality: THE STONES BECOME ACTIVATED and an energy net spanning the whole world in the same energy.

A higher system will thus be created! A pool of knowledge and love. And we are all linked in creating a morphogenetic pool of good higher content and this will be our chance to offer this further to the world!

The Spirits have announced they will hand out dozens of them within the next years!
No requirements, only a chance!
So be prepared!


On a regular basis we are holding Séances for those who have visited the evenings of the spirits at least three times. In those sessions personal bonds are strengthened, the work, committment and engagement of mediums and activists honored and phenomena presented beyond what the spirits believe can be presented to a newby.
In this chapter we would like to share with you some impressions achieved during such an ‚experienced-séance‘ in the rooms of the legendary Basle PSI Associations, where the biggest names in Mediumship and Shamanism have demonstrated before us.

Meanwhile the medium was held at hands and feet in front of the cabinet in different sections of the room the spirits laid down apports audibly or placed them into the hands of sitters. During one delivery onto the illuminated plaque nearly 10 feet away from the held medium sitters were first seeing a ’spirit hand‘ operating there and then ‚a kind of being‘ blocking the light of the ‚tile-like‘ plaque.

Among the different apported objects an Activation Stone was overhanded as well that evening

Moreover the spirits showed never before shown ectoplasmic features in red light, like for example a handform building around the mouth of the medium and its growing 6 feet into the room interacting with focus objects before retreating.

 (set the youtube video on HD under settings)

The images by D. Gross show what the exclusive round of sitters was witnessing.
One witness writes: 
The trance personality demands a careful opening of the cabinet
curtains with stronger red light. Now the development of a handform is
detectable at the nose/mouth-area. First two-dimensional after a few
seconds three-dimensional the hand wanders always in connection with the
orifice it came from downwards. Meanwhile it seems as if an ‚arm‘ would
prolong more and more the hand comes closer to the floor.

Important is that the mediums hands were always well visible laying motionless in his lap.
having reached the floor the hand moves towards the tape-marker on the
ground in front of the cabinet in 2,5 feet distance.

before having arrived there the hand suddenly lifts approx. 3 cm from
the floor. The prolonging arm behind it did not lift in this instance!

Then the hand crosses the black tape-marker well visibly and changes its angel to 45 degree to reach the buckets opening for the rattle laying inside of it.
see the hand ascending but shortly before it enters the bucket the
trance personality demands darkness to stabilize the form. 

Nevertheless we hear two seconds later how the rattle is affected by making rattling noises inside of the bucket.
the whole process the mediums hands were not involved in any of those
actions and laid clearly visible motionless in his lap.

I estimate the full length of extruded material of about 6-7 feet.
failing to lift the rattle from the bucket the red light is switched on
again to show the retraction of the material. The material ‚flowed‘
back into two columns i could see besides the legs of the medium.

to mention is, that when the ectoplasm was so far out into the room
most of the sitters had strong olfactorial sensations. A clearly strange
smell was detectable but differently interpreted. 

Some believed
to smell a typical ‚ectoplasm‘-like damp, mushroom-like smell, meanwhile
others interpreted it to be ‚musky‘ or even ‚like roses‘. Obviously the
mass emanated a strong smell!

We hope you liked that insight into our momentary work and we hope to welcome you somewhen soon in the spirit evenings of ‚The Alchemists‘ and their Higher Controls.