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THE MATERIALIZATION OF E.M.KHAN – or the Mutual Entanglement of Spiritual Dimension (full report)

By 18. Juli 2016Dezember 28th, 2022Uncategorized
Activation Stone left behind by the communicator Ptaah, a Gatekeeper personality for Kai and his circle (Felix Circle)

(Special Thanks to the ‚Experimental Group Thun‘ for their commitment and example, to hosts Daniela and Olivier G. for their love and friendship, to all the Sitters for giving energy, drawings and comments, to the Basler PSI Verein for development and more, to my parents for their enduring support, and to my wife Julia for everything!)

The Sitters Circle ‚Experimental Group Thun‚ already for years works with some of the personalities of the Felix Circle Spirit Team successfully,
like ‚Hans‘ (Prof. Hans Bender, well known German Parapsychologist) or ‚Rudi‘ (Rudi Schneider, famous Austrian physical medium), but also with different
ones like ‚Indridi Indridason‘, who became EGT-spirit operator through
the mediation of his circle leader E.H.Kvaran, who first stood in
contact with the ‚EGT‘ interestingly.

Traditionally Kai and Julia visit frequently the circle and demonstrate but also experiment in sessions for alignment and entanglement of present energies for the benefit of both groups mediumships.
Like the Felix Circle the EGT holds group-mediumship related sessions as a home circle but also cabinet sessions on behalf of the mediumship of the couple D. and O.G..
The EGT and its mediums produce physical phenomena like for example very active responsive raps, suitable for communication also, full table levitations, objective light phenomena and affections of focus objects arranged around them.

With Lake Thun and Thun town one is really privileged to live in. The natural ressources are so vast and nourishing – Switzerland is showing up here from its natural side …

In the evening of the 5th of July 2016 for Kai, Felix Circles Physical Medium, it was time to unleash the faculties of a spirit team referred to as the ‚Alchemisten‘, a group of afterlife intelligences consisting mainly of five personalities, all set for different objectives during the demonstrations. ‚Hans‘ for example is responsible for the verbal communication with sitters, another personality, ‚Rudi‘ for example, is responsible for the classical physical phenomena demonstrating the stages of ectoplasmic materializations and their different dynamics and abilities to interact with sitters.
Another one monitors the emotional and psychological conditions the sitters are in, cause they are always strongly influencing the grade of outcome and the experimental result. Another one links into secret higher human knowledge he has studied and exercised all his life on the trail to contact higher intelligences, and so forth.

‚Prof. Naegeli-Osjord‘, Felix Circle- and Kai’s Spirit Team member, responsible for the transformation of energy for healing purposes for sitters – in its earth-time incarnations body

In the following we concentrate onto those phenomena known to happen mostly in the presence of very consistent and knowledgeable sitter groups in regards to the Felix Circles work.
All sitters have visited already a high number of regular sessions and have become thoroughly acquainted with the phenomena but also with the philosophy I like to call  ‚from Oneness to the Universal‚.

The séance room the event was held in belongs to the EGT and provides a cabinet with a 203 cm high curtain slit opening in the middle of two curtain halfs (7 foot=210cm).
The descriptions and quotes that follow were all related to the author by hosts, sitters and circle lead Julia M.. Spoken content by entities was occasionally re-checked with the recording of the session. Additionally drawings were made to depict the séances Full Form Materialization and its conditions. Some of these we have used in this report also.

Like always the session began with the breathing routine of the medium and small dots of light of different size and strength started to discharge, around the cabinet and its entrance, as well as in the cabinet. The mediums breathing routine is thereby not affected.

The spirit operator ‚Hans‘ then came through and greeted and thanked the present and involved sitters, talked about the ‚Activation Network‘ and the chance within – about taking part in ‚an endeavour of truely cosmic proportions‘.
In the meantime first objects had started to materialize silently on the floor and Julia collected and showed them around in her hand with the help of a torchhlight.
Later for specific sitters additional objects were particularly materialized: gemstones, rings, bracelets this time.


One of the 30 objects that were materialized that evening as well

Really stunning is mostly the sudden appearance of objects (apportation) in sufficient light conditions: this time for example it happened from mediums previously checked bare hand, two rings materialized in 40 W red light – and later bracelets, gems, nacre portraits of holies and of religious character were produced and fell in quantity from eyes, ears, nose and mouth of the medium all at a time (additional use of red/white light torch illuminating mediums face).

‚Hans‘ then announced a communicator, the gatekeeper P’taah (Hans pronounces a silent ‚P‘) and after a short while the strange speech mannerism of the gatekeeper became audible.
This strangest voice somehow sounds like as if the medium has water in its mouth or is speaking from under water and produces at the same time a strong tremolo in all pronounced vowels.
After a short time and several unidentifyable language like sections of speech-like verbalization the voice was more and more well understandable.
It introduced itself as gatekeeper of the groups activities, responsible to suppress space-time-paradoxi mainly. He then related to the multidimensional character of consciousness, interlinking individual lifes it is projecting onto different planes of different physical realities and that because of this he had a humanoid form also, Ptaah claimed.

Outside of the cabinet red light was lit and illuminated an extraordinarily gracious pale female-like hand suddenly coming out of the cabinet and held onto one curtains side. From some perspective sitters also saw something like a red sleeve. Its fingers were moved and outstretched to clearly show its size and the communicator playfully asked for evaluation if this could be the mediums hand under circumstances, what was rightout negated by those the hand wasn’t perspectively covered by the curtain cloth.
B., a professional medium, writes: ‚The hand of Ptaah, I have seen it myself as being reddish (red light was lit, the editor) and very delicate and filigree. I saw it quite clearly!‘
R.(50) writes: ‚It was a very beautiful fine white hand showing up around half of the height of the cabinet, very slim and with the beginning of an arm sleeve of a red gown or alike.‘
After a minute or so the hand slowly retreated back into the dark of the cabinet and the gatekeeer announced eventually it lets a visitor step through the portal, into the 3-dimensional time-space of the séance room.

The speech mannerism changed back to ‚Hans‘ coarse voice when he asked Julia to check the floor.
A huge left behind green activation stone was uncovered and Julia showed with her torch the massive stone around and the sitters appreciated its beauty.

‚Hans‘ then asked for darkness and talked about the fact that materialized spirit forms of the past oftentimes brought their own light sources into the room not to interfere with the light sensitive nature of ectoplasm and the trance of the medium. He announced to come in front of the cabinet and to produce one of these light sources.
Suddenly a small yellowish shining light appeared with the size of a ping pong ball.
It was the opening mouth of the medium from which very slowly a brightly shining mass was exiting, becoming longer and longer. When it was reaching down to the mediums belly, ‚Hans‘ put his hands between the mediums open legs and collected the downstreaming mass illuminating the whole room including sitters.
When the last quantities were exuding ‚Hans‘ started pulling the mass apart, explaining and showing to some degree the same thread-like interior sitters had seen before within other samples of ectoplasm.
The grade of illumination though was not seen before. Electrical discharges could be unmistakenly heard within and around the yellowish-whitish mass in his hands and ‚Hans‘ directed the perception of the sitters onto them.

He then related that the mass was purposefully produced only to serve as a sufficiently strong secure light source for the inside of the cabinet – neither affecting any mediumistic productions from ectoplasm, nor the trance.
Under the cabinet-chair the spiritlight-source became located, to the effect that the mediums outlines became well and easily visible from the outside and through the cloth of the cabinet.
From then on the cabinet was actually transparent and the medium could be watched sitting on its chair, when the room outside was darkened.

Then a real spectacle began!
From floor-level also, suddenly an even stronger and flickering blue light did light up – also visible through the thin cloth and the curtain-slit – slowly ascending, alongside the visible mediums outlines on the chair until it hovered somewhere above its head in the cabinet ceiling.
R., who was somehow aware what was transpiring, writes: ‚In the cabinet the building processes for the Materialization began with the colors blue and white, what was quite well visible even through the closed cabinet.‘

A blue light showed up on floor level and slowly ascended within the brightly lit inside of the cabinet into its ceiling …

  The moment it protruded forward, the curtains were moved and opened a little bit. Immediately everything was bathed into a blue light and a figure appeared inbetween, but retreated again.
D., 37, describes her first impressions: ‚I could see the medium quite well through the cloth of the cabinet from the moment on, this mass of light was put under its chair and even better when the brighter blue light appeared and started to ascend. And additionally I on one or two occasions saw the medium behind the spirit form through the open curtain slits. The strangest thing was, when the hovering blue light in the ceiling of the cabinet did that move forward towards the curtains opening, there was suddenly this additional entity. It looked as if it was emerging from the mediums outlines, as if it had stepped right through or out of him, sitting on his chair in the cabinet!‘

With another attempt to move forward the curtains opened widely and everybody could see the tall figure, dressed in shiny white linen-like clothing, wearing something at or on its head that emanated such a strong blue light shining. Several sitters observed how the spirit form – seemingly being too tall to actually fit through the 203 cm high curtain slit opening – struggled to get out of the cabinet.
Sitter A. describes what he saw: ‚The figure had to emerge and withdraw and reemerge several times to finally exit the cabinet. It wore something on its head, a crown I first thought, later it appeared more like a huge gemstone on its forehead, that emanated a strong blue light!‘
Female sitter I. (42) adds: ‚The figure was not only tall, but strikingly scraggy.‘
And O. confirms: ‚Yes, that’s true. The moment he looked at me I could catch a glimpse of his face, that was quite skinny too.‘

Everything was bathed into the strong blue shimmer, as if light is reflected by water, coming from the light-source located on the materializations forehead. The spirit looked around in the room and had – because of its height – to bow its head quite downwards to look at the sitters directly.
Then ‚Hans‘ spoke from the cabinet. He introduced the visitor: ‚Because of the difficulties to exit the cabinet there is not enough energy anymore and i will deliver this visitors message: I am appearing in front of you as an ambassador, interlinked and part of this endeavour to step beyond the momentary human concept. The Spiritual awakening of planetary mankind, the evolution of source-energy within you. The Bravery within I to move forward and shine on in a new age! I appear in front of you as I was once incarnated on earth in the 18th century, in India. I am El Morya Khan and I am a messenger and protector for your progression on your sacred path. 
Khan I am, and once I was born as a human being!‘
The figure still moved in a peculiar snake-like manner from left to right – trying to free its high shoulders from the narrrow curtain halfs – and with a last meandering move forward it stepped into the broadly lit midst of the room.

The entity having stepped in front of the cabinet. Drawing contributed by sitter.

‚Then we could see it was actually floating!‘, I. relates and B. adds: ‚The ‚blue‘ around the head was very shiny and in its midst I could see a glistening white light! Again and again amazingly beautiful blue lights flashed in the air. The garment of the figure streamed downwards in a clear flow and the entity was in fact floating above the ground!‘
The participants we talked to, all mentioned the absense of any visible legs, specifically when the entity had eventually fully exited the cabinet and was visible in the midst of the room in front of everybody in completion.
R., (50) remembers: ‚It eventually protruded forwards unbelievably powerful and huge with this amazingly awesome beautiful blue and white light that looked like a crown at first. But when the spirit looked down on us I could see an oval-like blue light at the front of its head and in its midst a white light that radiated very strongly! Also very admirable was the duration of this tremendous apparition of El Morya.‘

Then the entity did a backwards move and re-entered the cabinet, where the blue light source slowly diminished and disappeared, that only Kai and the shiny mass below him was visible in the end.

Video: (Stages of) the Materialization of Khan – Sitters Drawings

Cheering and applause broke out and sitters yelled and screamed in excitement.
Altogether the spirit materialization had been visible for several minutes, something between 3 min. and 5 min.!
When the commotion had ceased, ‚Hans‘ carried on to talk. He added a few explaining remarks in regards to the entities nature and its connection with Kais mediumship and its sitters.

R., (50, spiritual teacher and Sai Baba scholar and long term devotee) resumes: ‚I really have been with several mediums and was on some séances. But what i saw and experienced the 5th of July was really unique, extraordinary, astounding, masterly, powerful, overwhelming, uncomparable, unforgettable and simply phenomenal!‘
And C. expresses: ‚Innerly I am deeply touched and grateful what I was allowed to experience these days in Thun.
To experience and to be present so close when a materialized spirit steps out of the cabinet…- I have dreamt of this for a long, long time…!‘

El Morya Khan is a representative of the theosophical thought school. He stands for certain qualities and aspects of the human being and its spiritual divine path of awakening. In the theosophical pantheon Khan is the carrier of a certain kind of a divine radiation, the color blue. That’s why he is oftentimes depicted with a blue crystal on his forehead. He is one of the Mahatmas forming the mystical delivery of some of the teachings Mme. Blavatsky received and later others within the Society.