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UK TESTIFIES / or how Kai Muegges Mediumship was perceived in the Movements ‚Traditionalists‘ Country …. (photos/video)

By 11. Oktober 2019Dezember 28th, 2022Uncategorized
buddha apport Kai Séance
One of the first Materializations having occurred at Parsonage 2019

First of all we would like to apologize to all UK-Participants who reported and commented and whose write-ups we haven’t used here, even though their reports weren’t in any way or form less compelling than the below ones. We simply needed to draw a line somewhere after we were overwhelmed by so many write-ups like never before at any location we’d ever been!
We were moreover delighted about the enduring positive and strengthening reactions on our talks and introductions in which we have critically analysed the momentary traditional institutionalized Spiritualism.  

In the following now we present a small outcut of reactions from UK Sitters, some of which for the first time did experience the Germany originating Experimental Manifestative Form of Mediumship of/from the European Mainland, most influential in Europe before the Nazis messed it all up – and the english Survivalism (spirit communication/mediumship only for the so called ‚proof of survival‘ – of the ego and the personality) overtook the control of a then leaderless European ‚Movement‘!

Here now follow the reactions of our english guests, partially very experienced and educated sitters from the UK who attended our Séances in 2019 in Parsonage Retreat. We like to thank the Parsonage Retreat for their superb job! Very special thanks to Steve and Ladrhyn Bexx.

Now please enjoy the reports about the incredible! 

The Setting of the ‚Inititation-Séance‘ of the first evening! Initiation of the Sitters into the processes, initiation of the energies into the location and initiation of the Medium into the setting as a whole!


This is the first time I attended a physical seance with Kai. I was present for the full procedure. I watched the seance room being inspected etc throughout the night the (stripsearched) medium was held in a very controlled manner. The phenomenon which Kai produced was incredible – from apports to manifestations and there was a very interesting talk given by Kai and also enlightenment provided by ‚Hans‘, Kais guide. There was a splendid display of the production of ectoplasm! If anyone has the opportunity to attend one these events – do so for it is incredible!

Last night was fantastic, wonderful phenomena and I am blessed to have received an apport which has significant meaning for me. Thank you to you and Kai Muegge for all your hard work and efforts. See you soon. Natalie and Keith xx

The last three days have shown what a high standard of physical mediumship Kai and his spirit team work tirelessly to produce. We would like to thank both Kai, Julia and Inge for all their hard work .
I was honoured to receive a gift from spirit which
 was apported through Kai’s bare hand by his guide ‚Hans Bender‘ (famous german Parapsychologist). I will treasure the gift and the experience I was allowed to share here with you. I experienced and witnessed things I have never seen before: The face in the ectoplasm, the flashing lights from the apport-portal. Witnessing the apports falling from Kia’s eyes,nose and ears.
We were touched by spirit hands… !
We were blown away by the whole experience…! 

If you are going to see Kai and Julia for a séance-weekend – your in for a treat!

The entire seance experience was absolutely amazing!! It was an honor to be a sitter during 2 of the seances. Thank you so much!

Activation-Objects materialized in red light for the sitters.

 Day three-seance  – an experience of a lifetime for anybody attending. Kai started with a very interesting in depth talk certainly broadening mind and knowledge.
The highlights were when we were shown the.portal in the cup of the hands .The por
tal was giving off lots of energy white light with the blue light within it pulsating out.This really resonated with me and touched all of my being.
The Crystal’s appearing and materializing through Kai’s eyes nose and ears was amazing with no discomfort to himself. The activation stone which is extremely large came through the mediums cheek.I saw the skin part and the flesh was exposed it was pink no blood.The stone came through and slowly the face was returned to normal.

I was extremely privileged to be sitting very close to witness all of this phenomena.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be able to witness all of these truly wondrous mind. blowing occurrences. Also to Hans Bender and team Julia who works so hard.Not forgetting all of the Parsonage Side Retreat for hosting all of these events.x

(…) Kai’s talk was interesting and enlightening. To see the blue light of the portal sdand white energy from his hand where the apport came from was mind blowing. Then the crystals from the eyes, nose and ears as well as the activation stone through the ectoplasm from Kai’s cheek. The opportunity to see the amount of ectoplasm from the mouth and parting to show the face of a lady. (…)

This was the most amazing experience of my life. I urge anyone who is interested to make an effort to sit with Kai. I was (to put it mildly) shocked and amazed by what took place. Not having participated in physical mediumship previously, but being a mental medium of longstanding, I approached this with many questions. Kai’s physical sessions answered all of those questions. I was impressed too by the professionalism of the approach to everything during my time of involvement with both Kai, Julia, and also to Inge (also the team at ‚Parsonage side‘) trance.‘ (…) I just ache for my next mind blowing experience with the amazing and empathetic Kai.

Kai’s seance at Parsonage Side Retreat Somerset England….
This was extraordinary in its content Kai is a wonderful exponent of all things paranormal.

Every piece was explained in detail and brought to fruition. All security precautions were taken before seance began. (…) Followed by blue and Purple lights which filled the room, added to this was white lights with faces could be seen clearly. ‚Professor Hans Bender‘, Kai’s control, introduced himself to the sitters and could be heard walking about. We had a trumpet which flew in the air touching knees heads ect.
There was a drum and tambourine which were played and hands that materialized on the glowing plague on the floor. Next was the bringing of crystals from Kai’s eyes ears and nose was astounding in its self ending with a huge crystal brought through the ectoplasm on his face!
But then to witness a woman’s head brought through the ectoplasm that exuded from Kai was absolutely phenomenal!
On the whole an extremely out of this world experience!
Listening to prof Hans Bender Kai’s spirit control was a learning experience for all who sat as he explained how the worlds we do not see work and how little we humans really know about the worlds and spaces around us.
We are just a speck stumbling around in the dark trying to understand what is going on around us in the universe.
If you are afforded the chance to participate in a seance with Kai and his team I highly recommend that you do so.

The Setting in craft when the spirit entities work via deep-trance processes in the so called ‚cabinet-sittings‘ – the strongest and most classical physical séance-environment we have to offer…!

I had a most remarkable and extraordinary evening with Kai Muegge and his team.
The introductory lecture was wonderful,I could have listened all night.
(…) All security precautions were taken (…). The energy in the room changed and we had lights in and around the cabinet area. Professor ‚Hans Bender‘ introduced himself to the sitters and i could here his footsteps walking around as he spoke (while medium always held in the dark by two persons). Blue and purple lights could be seen in areas of the room.
Prof. Hans and his chemists gave us different experiments!
(…) Prof. Hans clearly explained how the spirit team works with a portal.
We had object materialization and activation stones
Prof. Hans showed everyone kai’s hand and there was a round hole with blue light like lightning in the palm and explained, this was a portal. He then went into the cabinet and a larger light was seen – this was a portal
we were shown with ectoplasm coming from Kai’s eye and going down his face very clearly seen.
The ectoplasm had gone down to Kai’s chest and we where called in groups of 3 to witness a moving lady’s face in the ectoplasm.
This was a most wondrous thing to behold. (…)
All that was done tonight takes hard work and years of dedication!

So today I’m feeling Incredibly humble & honoured (…). I was lucky enough to attend Kai Mugge’s seance last night at Parsonage Side Retreat … Words cannot express how awesome this evening was, we were treated to some amazing phenomena from drums rapping, faces being formed within ectoplasm, flashing lights, Activation Stones, Trumpets flying and i was privilidged to have been gifted an apport from “Hans” …… mind blowing!

The ectoplasm was mind opening I have to say. I have seen many photos, but to see the real deal is a cause for expansion of consciousness in my view. It was like watching a movie as the ectoplasm grew in shape and size, when the hand started to form, well my mind felt like it just paused as it tried to process what it was witnessing. Then finally the separation of ectoplasm from the medium as it rest on the floor in front of him. I thought ok there it is then it began to move and reach up creating shape as it formed. No mistaken appearance for sure. 

 A celebration of spirit and friends. Amazing physical seance. So humble Kai Muegge and beautiful Julia Antonietta Mügge. Mighty Hans Benders voice, the controller, so patient and kind.., full of wisdom and intelligence. Visible and audible spirit communication. A fanfare of celebration of sound, movement of illuminated objects and drum and flying trumpet – oh so wonderful, exhilirating and joyous. Sitters and myself gasping with amazement as ectoplasmic rod oozed out from mediums nose forming what appeared like a rod – then a mass of foam building pulsating taking shape, form and movement… – i saw a small dog, then more a human shape and a portal of bright white light and a dazzling electric blue emerge in the centre with sparkling glittering light like diamonds appear…. Wow so out of this world and mesmerising.. i clearly saw two man and a woman.. She seemed familiar and was smiling at me…i full of wonder and happiness. Thank you my friends for allowing me this privelege to witness such world class physical mediumship at its very best. I have been inspired .. my persona shifted towards another dimension.. i will never grateful. 

Absolutely amazing what was witnessed and felt at the physical seance last night. Amazing evidence and presence of spirit. 

The ectoplasm build 
up if it into a small dog and arm and hand. 
The lights around the room and tambourine and drum being played and moving around. 
Being touched by spirit and hugged was amazing. Then to be allowed to go up to the medium and see the ectoplasm and shown a clear face with in it was absolutely amazing. 
You are an amazing physical medium, Kai – and an ambassador for spirit. You are a wonderful person and so is Hans . Julia is a beautiful person you are a wonderful team. So privileged to have been allowed to be apart of this seance. 

More materialized objects from Parsonage Site Retreat!

My companion & myself agreed as we watched the sun rise over Portsmouth from the top of Portsdean Hill approaching 6am this morning on the way home that having the privilege to sit as batteries for Kai had been the most memorable spiritually humbling experience which no words can express the depth of emotion and spiritual upliftment Kai had opened ourselves (and every other sitter) up too. The evening started with Kai treating us to an introductory talk on the history of physical Mediumship from whence events of phenomena had first been recorded in Europe and US, we were all engrossed by the depth of of Kai’s knowledge and his generosity in allowing sitters to interact and ask questions after he had wetted our appetite for the rare opportunity to increase our awareness. (…) 
(…)I was invited to sit before the cabinet in full view of sitters, Hans invited me to watch the mediums hands (which again everyone could see showing both sides fingers out stretches were completely empty) asking me to cup my hands beneath Kai’s – Hans spoke saying a portal would open and then I felt such a depth of love and connection to the ‘higher spiritual realms’ which was indescribably beautiful (as though I were one a part of the divine – all that is).
I witnessed at close range (which everyone else witnessed) from Kai’s hands there came a blinding flash of blue light like an axcetalyne torch when an object dropped into my hands with Hans giving a personal message to me. That was a moment and gift from sprit I shall always treasure, this was such a precious moment.

 Michele A. – FASCINATING, OVERWHELMING AND INCREDIBLE                                                                        Thank you for the opportunity to join you on Friday and Sunday. It was fascinating, overwhelming and incredible.

So very thankful for being allowed to have this incredible experience, it was a very humbling one.  Professor Hans Bender was wonderful, I could hear his footsteps, listen to his lovely voice speaking words of great knowledge with such patience. The phenomena was mind blowing (…). I will never forget it 

Thank you to Kai and Julia for the most wonderful weekend of my life, it was beyond expectations. Kais knowledge was of the highest intellectual level yet when talking to us all, everything was explained along with the history it was not beyond any one’s capacity to understand and absorb, it was all so interesting and informative. Exhausted as he was he still gave time to talk and answer questions when any one approached him. It was a privilege to meet such a great yet humble man. In regards to Highlights of the weekend – it was all on the highest level but when I was in his séance on Sunday at the end there were flashes of light for healing and the last one felt directly at me, I have various problems, my leg has bad cellulitis and the pain and swelling was up into the top of my leg from travelling and driving down from Wales the pain eased immediately and by the morning a lot of the swelling had gone and most certainly the pain, I had thought I would need a Dr appointment for antibiotics again – that is most definitely no longer needed thank you Kai and your spirit team – you are unforgettable!!!

A big thank you to Kai and Julia for the great work you both do for the Spirt world and your Spirit team it was all amazing to see you are two truly gifted people please also thank your Spirit team for me for producing the lovely activation stone for me which will be put in my small Seance room for me to work with my Physical Mediumship I will cherish it for ever also what my wife and I saw blew us away we thank yo

 I was lucky enough to be sitting very close to Kai and was able to see close up the gifts that came through. The opening of the visual portal giving a beautiful activation stone. Along with so many wonderful things.
It certainly was a pleasure and an honour to have been able to sit with everyone there.
The opportunity Kai gave us to wet our whistles with a grain of his knowledge leaving us wanting more was a definite highlight. My brain is still wizzing….

 On the 8th September, I went to the Parsonage Side Trance and Physical Mediumship Centre in Otterhampton, Somerset. I have to say it is by far the best place I have visited not for just demonstrations, but for that beautiful place it is and the wonderfully friendly and most welcoming place I have been to, bar none. I went to see Kai Mugge, trance medium and while I have seen more than a few physical circles it was not only a brilliant demonstration, with some surprises, but a fantastic talk from Kai, historically, on some unknown aspects, certainly to me, of its history. Especially during the second world war, in Europe rather than England at that time, Phenomenal! One of the things which were impressive were healing bursts of light that came from Kai’s hands to all of us at the end of the seance. My great thanks, to all concerned especially the management and Kai and Julia, his wife.

I want to thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to sit at the 2 seances 7th and 8th . My favourite memories are absolutely all of it. The spirit lights, Kai’s wonderful talks on the history of spiritualism over many years and for sharing his wisdom knowledge. The stones and precious artifacts that were gifted from spirit and the manifestation of so many stones from Kai’s eyes, cheek and mid air left me awe struck. The forming of spirit hands and the playing of instruments and levitation of trumpet was just phenomenal. The blue light forming in Kai’s hand and when I was called to the cabinet to stand in front of Kai while the ectoplasm almost covered him, my deceased husbands face came directly from within a small circle adjacent to Kai’s chest. I didn’t expect this , so in my excitement I called out his name twice because he was as real as he was when I last saw him on the earth plane 23 years ago. The vibrations in the room were powerful. I knew of your work for a few years as I had followed all the reports but still seeing and feeling these experiences myself gave me so much evidence and total respect for Hans and your spirit team. I shall remember this for the rest of my life with great admiration for you.