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Walter Meyer zu Erpen of Canadas „Survival Research Institute“ took part in a small production about T.G.Hamiltons Mediumistic Research

By 30. Oktober 2012Dezember 28th, 2022No Comments

Walter Meyer zu Erpen, the President of the „Survival Research Institut of Canada“ promotes for some years now one of the most interesting mediumistic research efforts ever – Thomas Glendenning Hamiltons well documented experimentation with several strong mediums, like for example with Mary Marshal.
The outcome was one of the most exciting publications in regards to the strange mediumistic artefact ectoplasm and materialisation, but also in regards to macro-psychokinesis. 

Thomas Glendenning Hamilton (November 27, 1873 – April 7, 1935) was a Canadian doctor, school board trustee and member of the Manitoba legislature. He is best known however for the thousands of photographs he took during séances held in his home in Winnipeg
in the early 1900s. His wife, Lillian May Hamilton, and his daughter,
Margaret Hamilton Bach, were co-researchers and continued this enquiry
into life after death after he died. (Wikipedia)

So during Walters recent visit to Winnipeg, he was interviewed at the University of Manitoba Archives by Kim Kaschor for Shaw TV Winnipeg about the T.G. Hamilton table levitation and ectoplasm photographs.

Mary Marshal extruding ectoplasm

‚Kaschor and team have provided a good summary of some important aspects of Dr. Hamilton’s research, using a good selection of images, reflecting accurately my position about the research‘, Walter stated afterwards.

Mary Marshal and one of her most spectacular mediumistic ectoplasmic creations

The resulting 3-minute segment can be viewed here: