‚The Psychic Structures at the Goligher Circle‘ followed Crawfords „The Reality of Psychic Phenomena“ 1916, and „Experiments in Psychical Science“, 1919.
The Goligher family consisted of four daughters, a son and a son-in-law, and although very poor did not accept any payment for four years.
This is not only a rare photo of the circle sitting but also Crawfords alleged success to have photographed „the ectoplasmic rod“ in a gas-like aggregate state…
All three books of him are packed with experimental settings, their description and exercise. Perfect in experimental methodology, the books were attacked for their lack of description of thorough control conditions. Levitations of different objects and their transport through the room stood in the center of Crawfords interest, mainly the regular full-table-levitations…
Despite the critique Crawford did develop a certain theory, that until today plays a role in the cosmology of Occult Phenomena: The theory of the ‚ectoplasmic rod‘ or the ‚cantilever‘-theory!
The ectoplasmic rod is a theory that mirrors perfectly the aftermath and is imprinted by ideas from the Industrial Age.
In Kathleens case these limbs managed to etherically protrude socks and shoes and the wooden box, in which Kathleens feet were secured during the sessions. When these etherical cantilevers or rods returned to the mediums body, rests of the clay were found at socks, shoes, wooden box. It seemed as with its dematerialisation the rods did loose the clay that clinged onto them and was then found like shown in the pictures above…
Massively interesting was, that the imprints into the clay oftentimes had the characteristics of the cloth of the socks or of the leather of the shoes of Kathleen, even though her feet could under no circumstances escape the feet-security-box.
Finally after 4 years Crawford was allowed by the controlling spirit entities to photograph, what he so desperately wanted to see. Sometimes he believed to have seen the rods acting slightly transparent within the dark red light or he meant to hear the rods settle onto the clay with a sucking sound. After a period of darkness, when the ectoplasm prepared itself to be flashed onto with the camera, Crawford photographed the most peculiar ectoplasmic formations. Sometimes it swelled from the shoes or extended into the room…