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By 5. Januar 2011Dezember 28th, 2022No Comments

When Tim Coles Film was listed November 2010 on, a long period of realization came finally to an end!
Actually the production of the Film began already during the Scole Experimental Groups active period!

But although more than over a decade the films evolution stepped forward – or maybe actually because of this – the viewer is presented well chosen first-time ever seen outstanding and breathtaking Audio and Video-recordings from the Scole Experiments. As David Fontana states in the film: It changes your Paradigm!

The 90 min (!) films main topic is in fact PHYSICAL MEDIUMSHIP – what comes much as a surprise.
What made this possible are the main actors of the „most succesful mediumistic effort of all time“ (quote Montague Keen) – in Physical Mediumship. They do widely explain all of the different aspects that made the SCOLE EXPERIMENTAL GROUPS work and outcomes so fulminant.

For the first time Diana and Alan Bennet and Sandra and Robin Foy speak freely and largely about their uncomparable communion with intelligent non-bodily entites, that were responsible for the Physical and mediumistical phenomena and were monitored over two years by SPR-Senior Research Officers Prof. Arthur Ellison, Prof. David Fontana and Prof. Montague Keen and by Witnesses all around the world.

For the first time we see and hear large quantities of Video and Audio Material and actual Recordings of the Scole Light phenomena, that were never before seen or shown and that are simply mind-boggling to the extreme!

The whole 90 minutes „Scole“ stays in the the main focus of the film, besides some supporting and interesting sidesteps, and that is good because the complex ongoings could not have been explained in shorter terms.

The best job in narration and commentating without a doubt is done by Sandra and Robin Foy, who as the only two persons on this planet have been present on every single sitting during the six years of experimentation.

Their decent descriptions of the unbelievable wonders they have experienced build the main columns of credibility that backs up this unique film about the most basic controversy in the History of Paranormal Phenomena: The Reality of Physical Mediumship.

Another strengthening column is what is said in the filmed interview-sections by the scientific investigators, who have all deceased in the meantime. That they could describe their Scole-Experiences and their opinions about them so thoroughly in front of a camera is really important.

But the film goes much further!

To strengthen its importance only more it links its presentation of the Scole Experiments and their phenomena with the main question of all spiritualistic Seances: Is there a life after Death?

And meanwhile the camera accompanies the Scole Group to Italy in the late 90ies – to experiment with the Direct Radio Voice-Medium A.Bacchi – the film presents very conclusively not only supporting phenomena around the world and through history, but also the scientific models and philosophical implications, that strengthen the „case for the Afterlife“.

The most intruiging moments of the film in my eyes were the presented Video-Recordings from the Scole experiments, and moreover the filmed experiments with Bacchi, levitating tables and apports, that happen infront of the camera!

I do not want to spoil further, this is a MUST BUY:

Get it HERE!
