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New Photo of Ectoplasmic Limb

By 4. Juni 2010Dezember 28th, 2022No Comments

During a sitting at the first of Juli the Circle Leader Cardiologist Dr. J. Soederling managed to photograph a purely ectoplasmic pseudo hand on its way back from the focus area to the cabinet.

The white and cotton wool looking slightly 3-dimensional shaped hand was at the end of a 1 to 1,20 long white flat tube like elongation. The hand waved during the 4 seconds exposition in red light before the whole creation scurried back into the cabinet!

Picture: the complete strange overlong looking arm with hand looked as if made out of cotton wool and had very irregular edges (were not possible to draw with the simple Draw-Program). Also the arm part seemed to have a more or less dense structure – partly it looked as if the ground was visible through it!

On its way back from the focus object area to the cabinet the circle leader managed to photograph it shortly before it vanished into the cabinet.

Picture: At the end of the curtain the hand is slightly visible by its fingers shortly before reentering the cabinet!
