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PHOTOGRAPHY AND THE OCCULT – A Berlin Photographer at the FEG

By 15. Mai 2011Dezember 28th, 2022No Comments
During several FEG Seances the Berlin Photographer Alexander Gehring was present to photo for his Diploma at the University of Berlin under the title: „Photography and the Occult“!

The presented photos were chosen under artistic points of view.
Some of them we present here today!


Photo 1: The moment of tension. The Circle Leaders hand is holding the curtains ready to be opened to exhibit what the mediumistic field is able to create

Photo 2: Somewhen during the red light phases taken this photos shows autonomous ectoplasm freestanding in front of the medium and an etheric hand coming from behind

(CLICK TO ENLARGE) Photo 3: Like spraying out of the mediums mouth the etherically thin veil- and spiderweblike substance is spreading over the mediums whole body

Photo 4: The Flame of Life!
Claimed to have compacted ectoplasm to a highest degree a flame like independent mass is showing off, operating freely in red light up to 1,5 m in front of the closed (!) cabinet

These pictures do not follow a „prove“- or „evidence“-, neither a „documentation-agenda – but only an artistic one!