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Two things that are unseperably connected. My mediumship and the Felix Circle that served as an active weekly circle since late 2004 as experimental and development circle. Working specifically in the first two or three years as a so called energy circle on behalf the group-mediumships abilities. More and more sophisticated deep trance routine exercises did let a spirit team make contact with us in 2007 and the ectoplasm era began.
Starting with the OuiJa Board its spokesman ‚Imperator‘ – after ‚Photographic Extra‘-experiments – transformed namely and became the spirit-operator ‚Prof. Hans Bender‘, a leading Parapsychologist of Germany‘ in the 60ies, 70ies and early 80ies. Around him with the time several more spirits came forward and built the spirit-team ‚the Alchemists‘, that is working until today in the Kai Muegge Mediumship…
Punctually 7.00 pm the first members arrived at the Muegge family residence:
Like every year around this time the eleven members celebrate gathering, talking, laughing and sitting the most exciting time in their lifes: The active years of the Felix Circle.
(Some members won’t be visible on the photographs!)
My wonderful little mother (lower right) and my sister in law (right) were the family bond within the circle during all its years before Julia joined. And when the ‚mission‘-era had started mom fell ill and couldn’t attend anymore in the last years as she might have wanted to. Around her shining personality a lot of the power of the circle was amassed …! Tonight she will be with us!
Still waiting for the last to arrive the right side of the table waves into the camera…
Finally in the bomb-shelter of the 1936 built house by my grand-parents mother-side in the traditional original circle pattern, the Eusapianian pattern with cabinet in the back.
Already in the last years we experienced an immediate jump back in time and with the first second of sitting together all the energies had returned. So we started into an evening experiencing together one more time some of the amazing phenomena of the circle…
Like in our demonstrations objects appear out of nothing like under the flat hands on the table. K. is here spreading her fingers to reveal what manifested below…!!! Only a predecessor of what followed shortly after.
In a coincidental order of remarks about apports suddenly these stones crashed onto the surface in front of the specific sitter who had started the conversation! That did happen in the heydays of the circle many times: meanwhile the circle just started to sing the chorus ‚We all live in a yellow submarine‘ several litres of water crashed onto the tables surface for example…
Evidential and unevidential apports accompany the history of the circles experimentation like for example the many handwritings of the deceased or other examples helping sitters in their belongings, like the glyphs enabling Ing. Walter Schnittger to solve one of the last Scole-Group mysteries…!
Duing the sitting winds, touches, lights, transport of objects, full levitations and short rap-episodes emerged from the wall, a drum from one of the corners besides the cabinet floated drumming above our heads and so on and so forth…
In the end we shortly came together upstairs and the others sat still quite a while, chilling and memorizing the good times of the past. But me with a digestion virus left the others, quite depleted after this sitting in this late time of the year…
See you next year Felix Circle!