Jean Claude Secret (pseudo) is a 36 years old Switzerland professional and full-time Stage-Magician, who for 20 years is regularly booked by leading pharmaceutical and German Top-Companies, as well as by Switzerland and German TV formats. Jean Claude is studying the many aspects of Stage Magicianship since he is 10 years old, he is a cosmopolitan and somebody who can afford to live from his magic arts.
I experienced the introduction as very warm and passionate. The coming together in the parents house and the nice manners of Kai, who thanked everybody one by one for coming, I considered very positive, specifically after Kai had explained how important a good mood was.
The séance itself, I only had conceptions from movies basically, but the family was already doing this for years.
Phenomenon: Waves of felt touches run over the sitters in different grades of complexity…
Commentary J.C.: The many touches in darkness are in that form not known in any magic performances and at that time I still wasn’t sure, what was going on.
Commentary J.C.: The hanky could maybe fly in magicianship also, from A to B, but not in that constellation with somebody is holding it. The traditionally very thin threads would not withstand that.
With a sitter holding it and from every side handforms come and tug at the cloth, the thread theory isn’t sufficient here and I do not know any other concept to do that, specifically regarding the handforms.
Commentary J.C.: The gemstones from his heads orifices, specifically from his eyes and two very big ones from his nose, that was very convincing. That is not manageable with magician properties. There is a trick when there is something coming from the eyes but not in this extreme form and extreme quantity.
Commentary J.C.: The more like wool looking, second ectoplasm, that exited the mouth, that is absolutely incredible to imitate, alone the volume of it. To bring that up from the stomach I doubt very much, that anybody could achieve that. Also the way the mass was moving on the floor and crawled back up – maybe parts of it could be imitated, if you take some aspects out, but in a whole it is not makeable!
We were so close to observe and the phenomena were partially happening directly at us sitters. No, that was unexplainable.