Dear Reader,
we like to present new photos from spiritualisms heartland Brazil!
We want to exhibit them as a historical artefact of ectoplasmic experimentation over the centuries and all around the world!
The Phantom-Surgeon and other Ectoplasmic Experimentation
Today the physicist Dr. Urbano Pereira describes in his book „Spiritual Surgeries – More Photos of Ectoplasm“ most extraordinary ongoings. He presents a photograph for example, showing a materialized Spirit Control doing an „appendix-surgery“ on one of his patients. Additionally he presents more photos of the typical ectoplasmic features we find with many Brazilain Mediums at that time.
The Physical Mediums of Brazil are strictly spiritualistic oriented, raised in the tradition of Kardec, even though experimental ectoplasmic features and partial materializations were frequently exercised.
Pereira experimented further with the medium Bello and we show here all the photographic outcome!
Picture: Photographic Reproduction of the abdominal x-ray plates of Mr. Andrew Di Bernardi, after the Surgery, exercised in Darkness by the materialized „Dr. Luiz Gomes de Amaral“. The appendix has gone!.
positioned in another corner of the room.
Picture: Finally a photo that shows an ectoplasmic rod in action, presenting a grammophon disc high above the mediums head, shortly before it was laid onto the grammophon.
Naturally these photos are attacked today by sceptics of all colour. Naturally they claim that the „phantom-surgeon“ was the medium himself. How he managed to remove the infected appendix they don t claim to know though. As far as we know, Bello was never caught in a fraud.
We like to present them to you anyways, documenting the long history of ectoplasmic experimentation all around the world….!
MATERIALIZATIONS – The Testimony of a Police Detective
is the title of the small book the next photos were taken from. The medium is the famous ‚Peixotinho‘. The emphasis clearly laid on ectoplasmic materialization with face embeddings showing more or less clearly the relatives and friends of present Sitters.
The Sessions were held 1953/1954 in Pedro Leopoldo in the home and spiritual center „Luis Gonzaga“ of Brazils most famous psychic Chico Xavier.
8 photos have been published from the seances, when many spirits could be identified by the sitters.
One photo cannot be reproduced because the relatives of the materialised spirit, a young boy of 16, who was identified by several persons present and showed himself clearly in the ectoplasm, are still alive and don t want to be reminded to the mourning time. All the other photos taken and published we reproduce here!
Additionally interesting is, that Chico Xavier himself wrote down a personal not to every single photo.