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FEG-Spirit Scientists work with German and American Investigators (Coming Soon)

By 15. Mai 2013Dezember 28th, 2022No Comments

For one week the Spirit scientist team around ‚Prof. Hans Bender‘, ‚Albert Freiherr of Schrenck-Notzing‘, ‚Prof. Hans Naegeli‘, together with ‚Rudi Schneider‘ (and others, referred to as ‚the chemists‘) declared themselves willing to work under the imaginable strictest control conditions for a small group of German and American Scientists, under the auspices of the ingenious Prof. Stephen Braude, at an undisclosed location in Austria.

This row of seances shall finalize a three years investigation. 
Since 2010 Braude was visiting with different colleagues the home base of the Felix Experimental Group to investigate the claimed phenomena produced through the FEG medium Kai M. 

Already in 2012 he spoke publicly about his positive impressions outlooking for having a further opportunity to investigate outside of the FEG’s homebase – a 1926 built bombshell shelter cellar, in which the seances are hold – and without any unnecessary sitters! 
So his last visit with the prolific film maker Robert Narholz (‚Finding PK’/Lenafilm‘) enabled exactly such an opportunity! 

So a few days ago Prof. Braude, the years long FEG investigator Dr. M Mnahm and Dr. J.S. welcomed Kai M. and his wife at a certain location in Austria with a protocol of control never before applied to Kai M.! 

One main goal of the week was to achieve under these strict control measures Video-Evidence of the Physical Mediumship of Kai M., resp. Physical Mediumship as a whole! 
So even though the exhausting week has two more days left all main goals were already achieved – and so we call it already by now a huge success! 

Be prepared to read for example about ‚announced apport phenomena‘ under full control in white and red light and filmed physical mediumship events never before shown in such a phenomenal clarity! 

Stay tuned!