A few weeks ago I was in the lucky position to work as the official photographer for Spirit Services Gmbh, Switzerland, that organize „Joao in Switzerland“-Events in Winterthur and next year is Basle, Switzerland!
Joao de Deus – or John of God – how his community is calling him is today in his early 70ies and is described by many as the most influential and succesful healer personality and incorporating full trance medium of the New Age.
When he was 9 years old João Teixeira de Faria, what his real name is, had a religious vision, that did send him on a lifelong mission and seemingly triggered his legendary healing potentials. Already in his early ages, the story goes, at the spiritualist center of his home town, where he was lead by his vision, he was fainting for the first time and incorporated one of his main spirit personalities with the age of sixteen, who exercised the healing rituals over the patients at the center!
Brazil is the largest existing spiritualist country of the world, where more than 85% of the inhabitants believe in a life after death and the communion between spirit and man. Thousands of spiritualist communities are spread over the country, where mediums work with spirit entities for information or to do healing work, like Joao.
Like in Germany it was originally the experimental, non religious arm of spiritualism, the so called spiritism, that was exercised in Brazil until its influence became so huge that the countrywide building of the countless spiritualist centers took place.
So for the regular brazilian citizen, the mediumistical incorporation of a deceased spirit is something completely normal.
Besides the service and the healing work, it was the physical mediumship feature of full materialization, that is until today lively exercised. And also among the full materialized spirits, it is the healing work, the most of them exercise in incorporated condition!
So in the meantime Joao works with more than 60 spirits of different rank. These 60 spirit personalities are always with him and his healing work meanwhile only six of them do incorporate Joao. These are Dom Inacio de Loyola, Dr. Oswaldo Cruz, Dr. Bezerra
de Menezes, Dr. Augusto de Almeida, Dr. Andre Luiz and Dr Jose Valdivino.
Dom Inacio for example is the Jesuits founder, meanwhile the others huge benefactors of the past of Brazilians Society were.
Other Entities known by name are: King Salomon, St. Francisco de Assis, Dom Ingrid, Dr. Jose Penchiado,
St. Francisco Xavier, King David, Mestre Kutumi, Dr. Jose, Irmã Sheila.
Basically one can say, that all the entities, as well as Joao himself, draw their power from the christian catholic believe system, resp. Jesus himself as its representative and the mentioned entities that all have a link to brazilian christianity! Joao himself is a strong believer, whose whole actions and words are interwoven with his deeply anchored image of brazilian christianity. In his interviews that becomes especially clear.
Over several trance rituals that seem to switch off his patients sense for pain completely the entities healing work is exercised. A legendary quasi-surgical eye-treatment for example, that was already exercised by many other great healers of Brazils past, is also utilized by Joao, when he scratches with a non-sterile kitchen knife over the eyeballs of his patients and „digs“ into the mucosa areals under the eyelids. The eyeball, that is highly sensible (remember how one is affected when something is under the eyelid) seems to be anaesthesized during this treatment, that is affecting more than 25 different diseases and their symptoms.
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The eye scratch treatment |
Like most spiritual trance healers do, during the manipulative action Joao scratches a mysterious substance from the eyeball that is regarded as the physical display of the diseases negative energy!
Another spectacular treatment, also long since known in Brazilian Spiritual Healing Work, is is the intrusion of a 18 cm long surgical scissor with a piece of cotton wool at its end, up and into the nose, where it, when it sticks completely in the head of the patient, is forcefully turned around there and pulled out again…
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The nose treatment |
Again the patients look as if in a trance and, following Joao, having been given a ’spiritual aneasthesia‘, feeling no pain at all, even though many hear like if ‚membranes were pierced‘ and a lot of blood is flooding from their noses.
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Pic: the 18 cm long surgical scissor |
Also scalpels are being used and cut several centimeters into the bodies of the patients, also with the goal to treat several different diseases and their symptoms…. Oftentimes Joao puts his fingers into the opened areals and seems to grope for something inside. Shortly afterwards the cut is closed, suturated with surgical threads.
All these ritualistic exercises are not allowed in Europe and so in Winterthur we saw Joao act a little bit different!
The european events are mass-events! In Winterthur 12000 people were lead along Joaos place in the so called „Entity“ Room, right besides the Operation-Room.
The logistics behind were planned and exercised by Pablo Suetterlin Werthmueller and his staff of Spirit Services Switzerland, and hundreds of helpers, who gave their time freely to be part of that event!
Followers, believers, scholars of spirituality and countless people with several different and heavy diseases flooded over the area of the Eulach-Halls, Winterthur, all dressed in white to represent the etherical, as it is wanted by the Casa-Entities in Abadiania, Brazil, where they unleash their powers usually – in a „Spiritual Hospital“, as they do call the Casa del Inacio de Loyola – the home of Joao…!
At these european events everything is done to copy the conditions at the Casa, but for 4000 people the day!
For such a purpose huge areals are needed and the Eulach-Halls in Wintherthur were offering exactly this:
– a main hall, where approximately 2500 people could wait and listen to spiritual lectures and music the whole day.
– an adjacent hall, representing the ‚meditation room‘ where more or less permanently around 1000 people were sitting, guided to meditate in 4 or 5 languages, german, english, french, italian and portuguese for the healing entities and healing processes in general.
– the adjacent ‚entity room‘, where Joao was receiving the people, accompanied by several helper mediums that partly overtake the entities intermediately after or before they were with Joao and another opportunity to meditate for approx. 250 people
– the adjacent ’surgery-room‘, where especially chosen patients were receiving a ’spiritual operation‘ or a ’spiritual cleaning‘, all provided by the more than 60 helper entities around Joao and the organization.
– an adjacent ‚recovery room‘, where all those who were really affected by the strong energies, that are in charge, could rest on beds and a staff of professional nurses and physicians was looking for them
– the ‚crystal bed‘ room, where up to 15 people could parallely be treated by coloured light emissions, pulsing through highly pure crystals onto the patients chakra areals (see Photo)
– a huge tent were a traditional soup was given to those that have undergone spiritual surgery and that was used to give out tasty meals around noon
– an inside cafeteria, where all the time a bakery was offering snacks and coffee
Many times over the three days spontanous healing events were taking place. In the end there was a small room full of crooks and wheelchairs, left behind by patients that stepped back out of the hall otherwise than they have come: healed!
Now enjoy the photo tour, leading you deep into the world of brazilian healership and its today practice in Europe and the unbelievable logistics behind: (click ‚Weitere Informationen‘ below)
…meanwhile the people are waiting for the man, that is called ‚the most influential healer of the new age’…

Permanently with him are the blonde american physician and the Austrian Film-Maker Josef Schoeffman.
it is the entities who are doing the healing work, so nobody should be disappointed when Joao …