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First Stage of a Full Form Phantom, demonstrated by the Felix Circle Spirit Team in different stages exposed to the camera down to a Full Figure emerging the cabinet… |
Let me pick you up and tell you about the most recent developments in working with the spirit control, mainly in regards to our attempts to achieve the phenomenon of Full-Form-Materialization. And to create an informational morphogenetic base for other Physical Mediums to link into and start to develop themselves in this regard.
I already heard of results in that field, a few weeks ago the Materialization of a little girl in front of approx. 20 spectators or so happened with an English Medium, but I am not allowed to tell more (no, not him! ;)). But a lot of people were there and / or have heard about it and so my hopes are high that slowly but surely more Physical Mediums will step forward in the future, loosing their understandable reluctance with the time and help to make these things become more and more part of a spiritual reality that much too long was reigned by those in the field who don’t want Physical Mediumship or Materialization Mediumship to happen at all.
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A further stage, the extrusion process of thick dense ectoplasm later becoming mainly the cloth of the spirit form… |
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Another false color display in a fuller perspective, focussing also onto the extraordinary thick ectoplasm, looking like dense cloth soaking from out of the mediums mouth in front of the sitters… |
Two weeks ago in the séances at the Basle PSI Association the spirit team again had awesome things to share. Their séances are so varied and dynamic that no session equal another. They are always different and even our extremely often present and most passionate followers claim, that there is always something new, even after dozens of sittings…!
In the three séances many phenomena happened and philosophy and explanations for most different areas and topics were given by the spirit control.
A highlight was naturally the third séance in which it demonstrated the building process of a spirit phantom in different stages and this time the camera worked: A lot of different and new perspectives developed and the sitters excitedly and amazed watched stages in the building process of a phantom first splitting from the medium, then growing taller and taller in the back of the cabinet, then showing up shortly in the front before vanishing into thin air.
But wait, there were other things happening earlier!
You remember the Col. Olcott-Materializations, the three experimental séances he tried to show himself, from time to time more detailed materialized so that after the third attempt we even could compare photos of the historical figure with the entity that materialized under the name ‚Henry Olcott‘.
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The comparison between Experimental Spirit Materialization of Col. Henry Olcott at the Basle PSI Association (left) with two photos of the historical Henry Olcott… |
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Beatus came to Thun from Ireland, but was allegedly consecrated by Petrus himself to bring Christianity to the area around the Thun lake and town. He died 112 a.C.. |
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Thanks to sitter T.D., 36, healing practitioner, who tried to draw what she saw and laid somehow emphasis onto the smile, hardly to overlook… In the middle the blue sphere illuminates the figure… |
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Danielas painting of the entity coming so close to her she could even inspect the condition of its skin and chin-area, free of any impureness or stubbles and fully smooth… |
jump back to the third séance in Basle where in different exposures the sitters
could watch the extrusion of this enormously dense looking material. But
remember how many times the look of ectoplasm proved us wrong and felt
by touch totally different.
body and volumed up from his chest onto his shoulders. The mass crawling onto the mediums body and meandering upwards is a known sight in my séances and has been observed many times before. It looked as if it
was stabilizing against the mediums head sitting on its
shoulder eventually.
R.K. from Munich wrote: ‚That was the most powerful moment, the room was shaking and the spirit appeared to say good-bye.‘ R.F. wrote: ‚The entity somehow communicated with me. After I recognized the shaking I knew exactly it was gonna become visible one last time…!‘
The Associations president remembered: ‚The first time I witnessed the trembling I really believed it was an earthquake and wanted to evacuate the séance-room. Today that was nothing in comparison – even though the same…!‘
Trembling or shaking séance-rooms are reported since the days of D.D. Home!
The entity demonstrating its gradual materialization is a famous personality actually. He is a musician (singer) of a well-known music-group of the seventees and died early. He was involved in a possession case years ago with the medium as therapist. The entity and the medium fought for the freedom of a young woman for some time and it was not fully clear if the spirit was really only wanting to help. Since then he is from time to time around and obviously helped in this particular photographic experiment…!
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Note the peculiar ring holding the beard, what was already visible in the previous image, when the entity still stood in the back of the cabinet… |
THANK YOU for travelling with us the borderline of the spirit worlds emerging into ours.
Be blessed!
Kai and Julia Muegge