In a few hours we release recent spectacular ectoplasm photos.
The ones were somehow overlooked and were originally released by a sitter resp. a sympathisant of the Vivaldi-Circle on facebook. Overlooked they were because nobody obviously had worked with them and enhanced the huge masses of seemingly extruded masses of ectoplasm into visibility. Captions were telling: Medium in a trance state!
Highly interesting forms have emerged after brightening up.
Additionally we present a photo that show a short sequence during one of the ‘Ectoplasmic Surgery’-Sessions with the Dr. Felix Spirit Group, the Felix Circle works with.
Channeling the deceased ophtalmologist Dr. Felix M., the grandfather of the physical medium Kai M., many different somatical and psychological symptomatics are treated that way. For the first time we have photographed an ectoplasmic part of this highly strange operation.
Stay Tuned
The Editor