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For more
than 20 years now we are trying to help people who are suffering under specific
forms of spiritual harassment or molestation.
trained over the years in the most techniques to bring any help to these
subjects, it is specifically our own area of activity regularly bringing us in
contact with them.
Many who
are concerned are spiritual scholars.  At
a certain point on their spiritual journey they suddenly start to sense, detect
something they describe mostly as a strange presence or energy within them.
They don’t feel whole or ‘one’ anymore but ‘twice’ so to speak and from then on
the complex develops into different degrees of realness.
Scholars of
Spirituality are a large group among the concerned, but by far not the only
ones. Our selected examples were all at least not specifically coming from this
area of activity.
Our help is
pro bono even though many have to be treated in the following over weeks and
I am
talking about so called entity-, or spiritual possessions (not
to mix up with ‚demonic possessions’) – or in German ‚occupations’.
Most of you
will have an idea about what I am referring to but because it is anyway hard to
describe a norm within it I will come back to my selected examples to explain
what can happen if one is chosen to suffer under these sometimes inner,
sometimes outer forms of ,disturbances’, sometimes both.
I was
confronted with the huge need for help in this sector when I for the first time
was involved when so called RSPK- or Poltergeist-energy havocked a
befriended family of mine.
I was quite
young and not even in my adolescence. But this case should not be the only one
I would encounter during the last 30 years.
I fully
started to offer help during my study time in Frankfurt simply by hanging out a
note at the University and the cases coming did all confirm the immense need
for help by the involved parties.
To become
possessed sometimes by one, sometimes by more entities, intruding the inner and/or
outer personal space can happen on a subjective perception-level or objectively
in the physical space also. Then it is called ,infestation’ usually and is like
all forms of disturbance a huge psycho-sociological issue, from time to time developing
additional psychiatric implications eventually also.
Psychiatry is believed to be able to help in
the first place, but is rarely dealing satisfyingly with the patient’s needs
and what they are going through and so they are usually ejected from the
health-system early and sent back into their homes very quickly.
But still Psychiatry
is for many the only health-sector they’re looking for help at as long as they do
not feel too stigmatized by what’s happening and prefer more to withdraw from
any possible help, frightened to be called insane, being full of shame anyway.
These forms
of shameful retreat naturally strengthen the disturbances.
informal energy feeding the processes has to flow off, that’s why any ask for
help is the first step into the right direction.
Actually Psychiatry
knows the frightening experiences I am talking about, but deals with them
single-sided. ‚Bedroom visitor’-phenomenon it is called within Psychiatry and
defined as a sleeping disorder. Admittedly many of the below described activities
do actually take place during early sleeping- or wakeup-phases.
But for many
these irritating up to terrorizing experiences in the bedroom are only a start
for an ordeal that enters more and more their personal space and everyday
patients stay usually completely sane and are fully able to abstract the
strangeness of what is going on.
Psychiatry in
the contrary defines persons developing alleged ‘hallucinations’, like our ‘occupied’
patients, as ‘dissociative split personalities’. ‘DSP’-patients live in a more
or less completely shut-off own world though, influenced by strange unseen radiation
and energies they suspect to control or poison them and so forth.
Spiritually ‘possessed’ or ‘occupied’ people usually
don’t have such symptoms.
They sense
their occupying presences to different degrees but are very aware and clear
about what is going on with them. Nevertheless Psychiatry usually tends to
treat them in the same manner psychotics would be treated – with strong ataractics.
Most of the
concerned subjects escape this kind of treatment early with no alternatives
offered to them.
they fall into the traps of self-styled healers depleting them financially and
create additional harm. With early and unproven theories they infect the minds
of the patients who sometimes willingly accept their explanations in their need
for help and start that way to spill the original reasons with additional and
false complexes.
In the end
they leave behind an even more deranged subject mostly with no treatment
results although hundreds or even thousands of euros/dollars had been paid.
that happens regularly.
Below we
have chosen three exemplary cases from our files that mirroring also a peculiar
and alarmingly growing subtheme within the complex: more and more cases
have a clear sexual character. They play more and more an
important role in the strange and disturbing experiences patients have.
This aspect
of course even worsens the difficulty for the patient to talk about.
Moreover we
have to find out where the reasons for this development are coming from.
Is only a
sexually overloaded society or media-environment (internet, TV) responsible?
And where is the cut-set with possible ethereal origins of the intruders?
Fact is
that internet forums have developed excessively as an information market.
Related forums are flooded by hundreds of people seeking for help or
informational exchange.
And still there
will be a large number of unreported cases of course as well, but at least the
web provides anonymity and the awareness they’re not alone.
For this
publication we now specifically have chosen three cases that couldn’t be solved
fully. We hope that they will provide models for discussion for possible
successful future approaches to help.
Compared with
the disturbing cases 2 and 3 the first one seems to be even ‘harmless’, but had
some really surprising characteristics and an intriguing complexity with a lot
of interesting implications.
So please
prepare your horizons now to be broadened by something that is deeply
irritating, if not right-out frightening and tormenting reality for some on a
daily basis.
information had to be altered to secure the patients anonymity)
Case 1: JIM
In the year
2004 I was present when during a spiritual practice a young woman suddenly
collapsed, fell to the floor, cramped and spoke in a strange language –
something between English and German. Not being sure what was going on I
watched her friend jumping from her seat and hastily approaching the trembling
lady on the floor, putting her hand under the head of the collapsed asking her:
‚Jim, is it you!?’
Having been
introduced earlier to this lady telling me she’d be a ‚newbie’ I was doubting
now that this necessarily was a sudden breakthrough of a let’s say meaningful spontaneous
mediumistic episode.
responsible as the then trainer for transpersonal experiences, I was
relieved that after a short conversation between the two ladies the strange
language turned back into regular German and after she stood on her feet again I
addressed her to find out what was going on.
For all our
meetings and training sessions participants have to sign a form, confirming they
are not suffering under any dissociative states caused by illness or are
neither involved in any kind of psychiatric treatment, nor suffering under any
grave personal crisis.
not everybody is always telling the truth and so the poor lady revealed to me
that she had come actually seeking for answers what was going on with her for
many years at that time. Let‘s call her Christine in this article. She was in
her mid-thirties when we met.
And this is
what she told me: ‘When I was in my 20ies I had a difficult relationship with a
boyfriend. When he left me I broke down and at the then upcoming weekend I
wanted to go to a music festival to celebrate my pain away.
I was
really silly. Everybody was on LSD and I took a good dose as well. I was
putting ecstasy onto it as well and later I took even more LSD and alcohol. I
didn’t sleep for the whole weekend and realized suddenly that I wasn’t getting
tired. After the weekend I was like fired up, restless and at that point my
friends started to report me seeing things that weren’t there.
I totally
dropped out. I went lost for two weeks and I believe I haven’t slept at
all during that time. After 2 weeks my parents broke into my apartment and
drove me to the hospital.
Already in
the days before something really strange happened. I was losing more and more
control and was yelling and screaming around in my flat or out of the window. I
wanted to invite total strangers to come up to my apartment.
somebody was talking to me from behind. I turned around and there was Jim
It was him!
In person! As we know him from TV-documentaries about the legendary Rock-Band
`The Doors’. And he talked to me. Somehow very calmly he explained to me that I
was in a dangerous state and that I should immediately cancel my invitation to these
guys on the street. Even though I was so manic I realized something like a strong
mystic presence attracting me somehow. And there was also even a rest of an
idea about how strange it was having Jim Morrison with me. But my fascination
was bigger! I cancelled my invitation to the boys on the street and turned back
to Jim.
explained to me he had to come, because I was the incarnation of his former
in the seventies and that I had taken too many drugs at once and
that I should calm down and that help was on the way. He said he knew the
situation well and that he had it multiple times with her as well. It felt as
if he was physically present.
Then my
parents suddenly appeared and took me to the clinic!
The moment I
recognized them, Jim had disappeared.
In the
clinic they put me asleep and I slept nearly 36 hours. When I woke up I still
was tired but everything seemed back to normal.
After a
talk with a doctor I was sent home. My parents were very much worried wanted to talk to me and kept me
pretty busy, but already within one or two days or so I found notes in my flat I
hadn’t written. I first thought they came from my parents. But they were all
signed ‘Jim’ or ‘J.M.’. 
From these notes I had to learn that I was obviously suffering
under a kind of absences, trance-like states in which Jim was overtaking somehow my body to communicate to me via these notes. Suddenly an intimate kind of feeling
was coming up – me and Jim Morrisson!? I talked to nobody about that. And he
took advantage of every nap to write to me. His messages were mostly advices or
instructions how to deal with challenges in front of me. But his admiration and Love for me he expressed always as well!
Quickly Jim
became more and more present again. He behaved like a fatherly friend always
giving good advices. His Love was of a pure nature and had no sexual undertones.
We never stopped to write notes to each other. We used a
notebook (made of paper) where we shared our messages. I was writing in my own
handwriting but Jim was writing in excessive letters, mostly using a red
pencil. Quickly the first note-book filled up and we started another.
More and
more his presence became natural, and sometimes I even saw and heard him
talking to me, even when I was fully awake and present.
Then at a
certain point in time it started to unnerve me. It was as if somebody had moved
into my flat to live there with me. But I wasn’t interested in a second person
living in my flat, specifically not somebody acting like Mr. Wisenheimer.
He more and
more demanded me listening to him. I couldn’t avoid him intruding so into my
personal, even intimate life.
So we
argued about the music I wanted to listen to in the evenings and we argued
about my boyfriends. That became difficult anyway, to hide the presence of Jim
from my friends.
It all
became extremely difficult for me, having this guy with me all the time.
It all
became a big mess again.
With the
time everybody in my environment again started to realize something wasn’t
right with me and my hidden relationship with Jim was going to disturb all my
social activities and I began to withdraw myself from everything.
In the end
there was only Jim and I left arguing.
It took
more than a year I opened to a friend of mine, the lady that had jumped to help
me. We went back to the hospital. But the doctors and therapists again only
wanted to interfere with medication that made me so tired that not Jim vanished,
but me. Their theory seemed to be that when they sedated me, Jim would
go to sleep as well and leave.
But he did
not. He is still with me.  
What can I
Can you
help me?’
Of course
the story was fascinating and I had never heard of a comparable story before
but I needed to be careful. The biggest mistake mostly made in occupation-cases
is to strengthen the entity instead of getting rid of it. Having such pitfalls
in mind and being trained from my professions as a nurse, pedagogue and by previous
cases I offered her to try one or two alternative ‘release’ techniques on her.
Additionally no other help was anyhow in sight for Christine.
Past cases
had clearly shown that docking points for the subtle intruders
oftentimes could be found hidden within the patients themselves.  So the first treatment-steps always have to circle
around the patient solely and illuminate personal historical, psycho-emotional and
social issues. Breaking through the silence and the circle of shame in the
first place and look for help eventually lets already energies flow off – in
different degrees – and brings first release to the patient. The anamnesis and
interviewing techniques used in Psychoanalysis and in the Holistically Client
Centered Therapy induced even further release within Christine.
Talking for
many hours, buried personal and family issues were excavated, emotional harm played
a role and it was interesting to observe, like in many other cases, how her own
statements again and again put us on the trail identifying psychological
complexes suspect of having a connection with the intruder’s access to Christine’s
life.  These items were intensively
discussed and partially released also.
For example
became Christine more and more aware how much she actually was suffering still under
her father’s inability to make her feel loved or cared for.
that ‘Jim’s’ main attitudes were caring for Christine’s well-being and his
enduring love
for his deceased girlfriend ‘incarnated’ within Christine.
The intensive
interviews very much helped the situation. Christine was not anymore alone in
dealing with the intruder and was gaining strength by her increasing ability to
decipher possible connections to her own life decreasing the impression to deal
with something totally out of hand. Gaining much more personal balance that way
the arguing with Jim about personal belongings was getting less frequent. The
more self-aware and responsible of her own life she became, the less reason to
interfere had ‘Jim’. Her absences moved towards zero. The written notes became rarer.
achieved ‘to have Jim totally forgotten’ from time to time and concentrated firmly
on things she over the years had lost totally out of sight. Daily routines in
interests, hobbies and friends returned. Jim from time to time ‘complained
about being neglected’ in their both ‘relationship’ in his messages and
Christine’s dreams.
At that
point the treatment should put more weight onto strengthening Christine’s
personality also subliminally and we introduced hypnosis. Bringing her
into deeply relaxed states she received strong verbal suggestions about filling-out
her own body form fully, to rest strongly and self-confident within herself, to
be able to shoulder all life’s challenges, and to be strong through
understanding, in a new age of adulthood finally beginning.
the dynamics responsible for her self-destructive behavior, many coming from
undealt-with family-affairs, made her overcome them and grow a lot at that
point of the treatment.
But ‘Jim
Morrison’ still was there. He lurked in the background, she could still ’feel’
or ‘sense’ his presence.
Earlier I
hoped Jim Morrison to be a purely subconsciously created substitute for a lacking
role-model ‘father’, in an emergency situation overtaking ‘fatherly’ or caring
At that
point around 10-12 sessions and nearly 5 or 6 months were behind us.
pretty confident from what had changed a last final treatment routine we
discussed to make the entity finally leave.
Already pretty
well accustomed to the suggestive routines induced by my voice and
speech-mannerisms it was time to talk to ‘Jim’ now directly – in Christine’s deepest
hypnotic state available!
mentioned before, we in so far entered an admittedly ‘dangerous’ ground here because
techniques like this can very much fire back not knowing how to do it properly.
The moment the therapist loses control over the conversation – shows weak- or
helplessness, he quickly could become outplayed by the entities wits or
subversive elusiveness and everything achieved could turn into an even bigger
But Jim was
receptive towards my attempts to contact him and seemed eager to express his positions.
He spoke calmly through the entranced Christine.
‘Spirit Rescue’-treatment as we know it from the techniques of Wickland, Fiore
or Naegeli-Osjord usually follows the survivalist principle.
classical treatment form goes that way: Utilize the therapists committed will to
help both involved parties (the occupied and the occupant)
purposefully, combine it with focused and strong suggestive formula and persuasive
rhetoric tactics and thus make the havoc creating intruder unavoidably comprehend
its momentary ‘wrong state’, its ‘sticking’ in between two dimensional planes,
of the living and the dead, and finally lead the ‘disoriented spirit’ towards
the light
to ‘release it’ and make it leave the patient.
According to
the release-techniques plan, the entity in the following understands it is occupying
a wrong ‘bio-form’, creating harm for both involved. It turns towards ‘the
tunneled light’, into which it then leaves, remorseful but happy. That’s the
In reality it
usually does not at all work that way – the occupying spirits we encountered
in more than 2 decades were nasty and strong, self-confident and regularly right
out brash and challenging, knowing exactly what they wanted.
Anyway, in
Christines case ‘Jim’ beheld his moral attitude during the conversations and
explained that the way he was connected to Christine had nothing to do ‘with
going into the light’. He said his spirit did that already more than once, but
that there was a connection between him and Christine we couldn’t understand
from our momentary perspective and that his presence was a good one for her and
was triggered by her need for help.
He mentioned
for example, that re-incarnation is actually happening, but not in a
time-related order as we understand it. It all had to do with systemic
connections within conscious awareness-systems, he claimed.
alarming state had influenced the order of karmic connectedness between the
spiritual planes and that a certain necessary agenda in Christine’s situation had
urgently to be activated through him, because the situation was starting to
endanger or even harm her. That Christine was at the same time his alleged
‘former girlfriend’ was another expression for that time-line unrelated
interconnectedness between complex conscious systems human beings and beings
like him were part of.
After several
hours of conversation he confirmed Christine’s recovery so far and promised to turn
into a state of withdrawal as much as possible. He reasonably understood and accepted
as well Christine’s will and right to live undisturbed in a feeling of
spiritual oneness.
At that
time Christine’s relationship to the strange intruder had totally changed.
She was in
peace and had learned to understand Jim more and more as a positive inner aspect,
an honest mentor in times she needed consulting.
And the
more she had processed her personal history, understood her psycho-emotional
dynamics within her social environment and taken her life in her own hands, the
less Jim interfered.
was soon able to find a new relationship and started into a new job she has
until today. For the following years from time to time she visited me until I lost
her out of sight. Sometimes friends see her at her working place and she sends
me a ‘hello’!
Within so
called ‘spirit-rescue’ treatment or ‘clearings’, also ‘cleansings’, our
experiences clearly show, that the classical ‘release’-technique isn’t as
easily successfully executed as for example Wickland’s or Fiore’s classic books
do imply.
Much more
realistic in our opinion are the very much more differentiated relations
between concurring spirits in one’s mind described for example in
Naegeli-Osjord’s book ‘Occupation and Infestation’. Naegeli was a psychiatrist
in Switzerland dealing alternatively with forms of spiritual disturbance.
brought this case to rest it is now time to enter the darker zones of
interaction between spirits and men. This time the survivalist prejudice stands
more in the focus of things, but with unnerving and haunting characteristics
and implications.