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Contemporary description of a typical Full Form Materialisation from around the 19th hundreds…

Materialisations like during the heydays of Modern Spiritualism, fully developed ‚Phantoms‘, Guides and Loved Ones, for everybody visible within the séance room, in red light – that is and stays for every Physical Medium the climax of mediumistic production, independent from which school the medium might come from…!

Different reasons made this mediumistic ‚feature‘ become rarer and rarer, Physical Mediumship itself withdrew from public view and evaluation. In Europe since the 60ies it is only exercised in closed circles, in America around certain mediums into the 70ies Full Form Materialisation was happening, like with the famous Bill English or Master Kumara (KMR) from Seattle, Washington.
Jan Vandersande describes séances of Full Materialisation 1974 in South-Africa, and Martha Barham visible fully materialised Phantoms through the mediumship of her husband in a circle during the early 1980ies in the States.

Father Christensens closest friend materialises in Denmark in the circle of famous medium Einer Nielsen in the 1960ies in

Also in the 1980ies in Brazil Full Form Materialisations (FFM’s) seemed to be quite common in some Spiritistic Centers, as they are described by R.Passian in German publications. The same is documented in ‚Doctors from Space‘ (only available in the portuguese original), telling about the FFM’s of the German surgeon Dr. Friedrich von Stein, who materialised in full clinical clothing and then treated the needy lying ready. In how far his operations were documented with x-ray, like in another case where an appendix was extracted, is unclear.
In the late 1980ies the FFM’s of Rita Goold in UK were fascinating sitters, whose materialisations happened in the dark though, but were wearing boots and coats with illuminated dots on them, how they became quasi-visible.

Full Form Materialisation 1974 in Johannesburg, Medium unknown, from Jan Vandersandes publication

These are some of the comparably rare examples over the last one and a half centuries that made it into publications of some sorts. An estimated high number of unknown reports from activities non-public can be thus strongly considered.
In the nineties in the Western Hemisphere reports became rarer and rarer.
Ongoing of course was a huge number of materialisations of indigenous folks living among us, like those appearing for thousands of years in the still exercised Native American healing ceremonies like the Yuwipi or the Lowanpi, in which materialised living beings are regularly witnessed like many of us were allowed to participate!

Also in the nineties at Scole with the famous ‚Scole-Group‘ visible materialisations of so called ‚Angelic Beings‘ were widely described, sized like an elbow. They were self-illuminating and floating inmidst of the sitters. Also an extra-terrestrial materialised fully, strongly blue glowing in the dark sitters were allowed to touch ‚Blue‘ exhaustively and photographed the ‚apparition‘.

In my own physical circles, I am holding since 32 years since my 15th year of age, not before 2015 a spirit team of the 2004 founded ‚Felix Circle‘ achieved to be succesful in regards to FFM’s.
For many years well visible and observable so called partial materialisations are occurring, moving, living, breathing and flexing in good red light, animal-form-like ones, hands and faces also for example.
And now for a good year different visible forms of FFM’s are showing up in our séances. Self-illuminated and brightly lighting the séance room some did appear, sometimes showing distinctive features, sometimes flat and artificially looking. Sometimes standing in the cabinet besides the medium, hooded and enwrapped in white, moving like waving or bowing down towards sitters, were more and more often observed during the last months.

Materialisation of the German Surgeon Dr.Friedrich von Stein at the Santuario de Frei Luiz, Brazil, in the 1980ies

The 12th of May 2016 in the rooms of the Basle PSI Association then for the first time a materialisation did appear in front of the cabinet, that had all the classical features of a FFM, as we know it from historical reports. The séance and the events are thoroughly described – by sitters, host and circle lead – here.
On the German site we additionally had published two specific independent german reports about the Materialised Apparition and how they were perceived. Those we want to share today also with our english readers slightly shortened.

The first report was written by the known privy and adept, the healer and author Rolf Stadelmann:
I have taken part in the sensational séance on thursday, the 12th, as I have taken part at Kais séance on Monday. I was Monday at the BPV to build down a cabinet there, when I heard a voice actually telling me I should attend and support with my energy the Monday séance as well! Well, that was suprising, because something like that has never before happened to me!
Several coincidences over the monday then led to my eventual participation of the originally outbooked event in the evening.

(It was a beginners séance due to the participants and so) this séance was demonstrational as I already had experienced it several times before. Nevertheless I am still impressed and it doesn’t fail to fascinate me repeatedly. Especially the ’spirit-touches‘ (…) I like a lot, which occurred to me at that evening specifically often. Also the tiny ‚elben-light‘ was stunningly whizzing and zig-zagging through the room and then even held my thumb for a few seconds after it had grasped it shortly.

(…) The days after these séances I have regularly certain side- or follow-effects, regularly i feel a bit exhausted, sometimes weakened, very often with good and enduring energies. This time I felt specifically weak.

(Th energetic participation of the sitters regularly triggers oftentimes beforehand unknown emotional and physiological sensations. The editor)

I thought about if I should cancel the thursday séance for advanced sitters, but decided this was out of question then. (…) In the end I am totally happy to have participated, I really had missed something!

Spirit-Materialisation at the Basle PSI Association

All the joyful encounters after my arrival there with old and new friends, the nice and interesting discussions quickly brought back my good stance and so I could strongly enter the circle and séanceroom.

held a comparingly short introduction and there were two or three sentences and claims by him that were specifically interesting and progressive, later then completed and taken further by the spirit communicator Hans Bender. It was about direction within Physical Mediumship, what is important for me personally.

The then following séance was on the one side short and effective, on the other side quite spectacular and impressing – and in the first place an amazing demonstration of physical-mediumistical power.

(…) It took a moment and a lot of strong exercising of the trance-breathing routine until the spirit control started to speak.
Early into the darkness again and again lights were showing up – from slight up to strong flashlike illuminations mainly throughout the whole séance, what was quite impressing already.

(…) Before it came to the appearance of the spirit form there were two incidents happening wortwhile to mention: (the one was about the playful manipulation of the perception of BPV’s President Lucius Werthmueller, whose birthday it was).

Mediums spouse talks to the materialised spirit, meanwhile she listens to the heavy breathing of her husband in the back of the cabinet. Like in historical Materialisations the entity was wearing a bright white garment with a huge hood…

The second incident was, that suddenly the whole floor started to tremble and vibrate, meanwhile i tried to rationalise what was going on: the cable car or in the end an earthquake? Against this was the fact that when the shaking, trembling and vibrating started, from the floor a considerable strong form of energy shot into my legs. This energy quickly went through my whole body and triggered a sort of tunnel-like sensation with flashlights in my perception that I became so dizzy for a very short time that i was afraid I could black out and loose the control fully. For a moment I didn’t know where i was.

The shaking and the dizziness frightened me for a moment, but very quickly those feelings ceased again. (…)
Eventually the spirit spoke and explained these physical effects as a form of ‚condensing matter within the séance room‘. That calmed me down a lot, even though the trembling and shaking was repeating even stronger.
Being afraid a bit at the beginning i regarded all this later as an impressing demonstration of activ physical-mediumistical power in a degree I never would have imagined before – really stunning!

Well, and then the last highlight followed.
Inbetween last phases of singing the spirit frequently informed the sitters about the forthgoing of the evening endeavour and described the processes.

Somewhen the struggle of the medium was clearly recognizable and the request for the photographer to position was expressed, and the red light was levelled to suite photographing.

And then the cabinet opened and there the fully materialised spirit form was standing, this time not behind the medium, but in front of it inbetween the curtain-halfs and fully visible for all present.
Again it was, as if the form was enwrapped in white linen, even though posture and figure of the form was fully featured, the arms crossing on its chest as if holding the clothing together. Then the form bowed down very clearly first towards the one side of the circle, then turned around a bit and bowed down greeting towards the other side of the circle as well.

The light then was extinguished and switched on again and the form was gone. But the nearly glowing-white and solid-smooth ectoplasm was visibly laying desintegrated on the floor, coming from the mediums mouth, hanging over his chest and falling between his legs down towards the place where the figure stood.

When the spirit had disappeared again the medium was sliding with his chair from out of the back of the cabinet into the front, still connected with materials that were part of the spirit form…

With a another signal light off and on all ectoplasmic mass had vanished completely and the rest of the time was for the recreation of the medium, accompanied by a lot of light dischargings and flashs of light inside of the cabinet, what reminded me of fireworks.

The control spirit then talked about the further development of these forms and that the next stage enables the forms to speak to the sitters clearly. (…)
Also revealed was the identity of the spirit form, a helper personality of Kai’s spirit team!

(…) Again I was led beyond my boundaries, have received inspiration and was motivated on multiple levels.
And whatever made me feel sick after the monday séance, what it triggers within me and what it makes with me, I understood was more a part of me in the first place than anything else.
In regards to the thursday séance my condition afterwards was a feeling of progression, also a bit of exhaustion, but eventually more the opposite: I am impressed, newly emotionally touched and joyfully motivated.

End of report Rolf Stadelmann

The second report was taken from a more thorough description from one of the grateful emails coming from a years-long adept as well:

How are you feeling after the evening? Such gifts from heaven sometimes leaves their mental and emotional traces on our plane, don’t they?
For us it was a most wonderful evening. All was perfect, the sitters had their hearts open and no expectations! These are for sure the most optimal conditions for such an evening.
I want to thank you for the closer seats towards the cabinet because of my weak eyesight, so that i could watch the ongoings better. (…) The many different and enduring lights at the beginning of the séance I perceived heartful, even as overwhelming joy.

The energetic building up from the spirit world then was playful a lot. Inclusively the overhanding of the beautiful birthday-stones – his face you should have seen!

(as already mentioned the spirits had played intuigingly with the perception of Lucius Werthmueller on the control seat for the medium)

A first novum then for sure were these vibrations. On first sight I also was insecure, when Lucius was mentioning a possible earthquake, but then Hans calmed us all down. And then it fully started through: These vibrations had an enormously high frequency and were definitely not coming from our dimensional realm.
There were waves coming over the floor and into walls and ceiling. Was this high energy channeled into the room from beyond or taken from the environment, I asked myself.
I perceived it as if the vibrations were accompanying our singing more or less.

The final build-up-phase then was less heavy somehow than the séance from the 10th of March with the Full Form materialisation inside of the cabinet.

The FFM of ‚Aleister Crowley‘ in front of the cabinet!
What shall one say to this?

After my first sitting with Kai in 2011 after the séance I said to a sitter, it may only be a matter of time until a form steps in front of the cabinet and talks to us!

When the FFM stood in front of the cabinet in full red light there was an energy wave coming from it and i felt shortly dizzy.
The garment made of ectoplasm was perceived visually as very dense and compact and clearly outlined flowing.
The color was so WHITE like a diamond.

With all our hearts we are thanking you and the controls – we are enormously grateful to be part of this system!

End report Anonymus

Dear reader, we hope you have enjoyed again what we shared here with you, our excursion into contemporary Materialisation phenomena and its history…
We stay in respect and love to the unfathomable world of the spirit, as towards the planetary human being….