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RARE ECTOPLASM PHOTOS with Kai Muegge – today Leonard Stott…

By 28. November 2019Dezember 28th, 2022Uncategorized

Today we again present photo(s) of high strangeness with, characteristical for contemporary western spirit ceremonies, the mysterious artifact ectoplasm visible in it.
Parallel to the growing manifestation of phenomena in western séance-room environment, materialized spirit-hands were from beginning on a frequent visitor, regularly reported and described. As more or less independently operating hands without a body, but executing tasks as if attached to a body. Sometimes humanly fleshy, somethimes flat and looking like cut out, but still enabled to move fingers still independently.

Materialized hands though could be only rarely photographed with a few exceptions.
One of these is todays ‚Rare Photograph‘. Actually another sequence of images from this particular medium can be commonly found in books about spiritualism or photography then. It is indeed a quite famous sequence, even though for a long time not even the mediums name was undisputed, before it became clear his name was Leonard Stott.

Thats the only information available today in public. Fodor doesn’t have him in his enzyclopedia, nor do we find any deeper information about him anywhere else. Not even the dates of the photos is known.

After a little effort we know now these photos were taken in 1946 in Canada, in Toronto or Ontario in a very christian Quaker-related environment, that was very much interested at that time in manifestations of mediumship.

During their experiments in 1946 with the trumpet- and physical- or materialization-medium Leonard Stott a famous sequence of images were shot…

One of the famous images shot with Stott in 1946

Besides this one out of the well known sequence of photos we gonna present today two photos not so well known from that time.
The main one is characterized by the materialization of a spirit hand and the other less known shows again Stotts Quaker friends Sherwood Eddy and Edward C. Wood and a floating trumpet in front of the medium Leonard Stott.

The more spectacular one has the mysterious spirit hand on it. The trumpet floats connected by an ectoplasmic rod running down on mediums upper body and looking towards the lady controlling Stott by holding him on both hands. On his shoulder though there is a peculiar additional strange artifact: Seemingly a small materialized hand opened as if holding a ball.

Todays rare photo: Stott and the materialized hand…

Lets have a look at other photographs showing this rarely photographed event: A materilaized Spirit hand.

Linda Gazerra investigated and photographed by Schrenck in Italy. Behind her at the curtain you see the independent hand not belonging to the medium…


Scientific test séance for the American Society for Psychical Research with Margery. From her lower body a hand emerges leaving in a piece of wax the fingerprints of Margeries deceased brother…


Scientific test séances for the London Society for Psychical Research. Marthe Béraud produces a strange hand on her shoulder…
The incredible Eusapia Paladino, held at her hands by the experimenter E. Flourion suddenly above her head two more hands appear. This has happened several times during her career and was several times photographed…

An example of a materialized hand in a séanceroom experiment from the early Felix Circle years…

We hope you enjoyed our little presentation today!
With best wishes from the séance room!